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"'Piacemi almen che i miei sospir sien quali Spera 'l Tevero e 'l Arno, E 'l Po, " Merthyr continued the ode, acting a similar fervour: "'Ben provvide Natura al nostro stato Quando dell' Alpi schermo Pose fra noi e la tedesca rabbis." "We are merely bondsmen to the re-establishment of the provisions of nature."

"'Piacemi almen che i miei sospir sien quali Spera 'l Tevero e 'l Arno, E 'l Po, " Merthyr continued the ode, acting a similar fervour: "'Ben provvide Natura al nostro stato Quando dell' Alpi schermo Pose fra noi e la tedesca rabbis." "We are merely bondsmen to the re-establishment of the provisions of nature."

Sziszkinski's voice was of a rare quality, rich, pure, flexible, clear as a silver bell, under perfect control, sympathetic, and peculiarly adapted to render with precisely the correct feeling the pleading words "Caro mio ben, credimi almen, senza di te languisce il cor," etcetera.

'Shall we learn liberty of the Gauls, we who taught every lofty thing to others? was a healthy remonstrance to a race that had lost faith in itself; and the Austrians were wise in discountenancing the sale of a work that contained the line which gave a watchword to the future: Schiavi or siam si; ma schiavi almen frementi.

"Non so si la Speranza Va con l'inganno unita; So che mantiene in vita Qualche infelici almen." Olivia. MY DEAR OLIVIA, Yarmouth. This is the first line I have written since my illness. I could not sooner relieve you from suspense, for during most of this time I have been delirious, and never till now able to write.