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"Beryl!" came a glad cry and Beryl stared in amazement for the little creature who smiled at her from a pile of soft pillows looked like anything but a sick person; the vivid hair glowed with more aliveness than ever, a pink, like the inner heart of a rose, tinted the creamy skin. A tray remained on a low table by the bed, its piled dishes indicative of a feast.

We had made many similar journeys together, but the Danube, more than any other river I knew, impressed us from the very beginning with its aliveness.

The feeling of intense, happy aliveness in a wonderful world was still on her, and she wanted to be alone to think things out to think out especially the thing she had discovered last night and what to do about it.

Good God surely in the face of all this sense of aliveness and motion, and this and that, there should be some intimation of WHY? But no none. It is a fact, the significance of which cannot be exaggerated, that the measure of the civilization which any nation has attained is the extent to which it has curtailed the power of institutionalized religion.

The special spell of Dawson was upon them all the surface aliveness, the inner deadness, the sense of being cut off from all the rest of the world, as isolated as a man is in a dream, with no past, no future, only a fantastic, intensely vivid Now. This was the summer climate of the Klondyke.

Noisy aliveness of streets that meant nothing. She thought, "People look at me and envy me because I'm in a hurry as if I had somewhere important to go. People envy everybody who is in a hurry to get somewhere. Because for them there are no destinations only halting places for their drifting.

The Israelitish-Jewish prophetic movement did not first attain belief in a Future Life, and then, through this, belief in God; but the belief in God, strongly hostile to all those spiritualisms, only very slowly, and not until the danger of any infusion of those naturalisms had become remote, led on the Jews to a realization of the soul's survival with a consciousness at least equal to its earthly aliveness.

It is for this reason that I do not purpose to inflict upon the reader a diary of my alternative aliveness and non-existence at La Ferte not because such a diary would unutterably bore him, but because the diary or time method is a technique which cannot possibly do justice to timelessness.

I often wonder whether she has got out of it into the light whether we can rescue her." Mrs. Maturin paused. "What do you mean?" Insall asked. "Well, it's difficult to describe, what I feel she's such a perplexing mixture of old New England and modernity, of a fatalism, and an aliveness that fairly vibrates.

Their special brand of humour and of sentimentality are male; their exuberant strength and aliveness, their sensuality, and their savage cruelty.... If ever women come to count in Russia as a force, not merely as mates for the men, queer things will happen.... Here in this town things are, for the moment, tidy and ordered, as if seven Germans with seven mops had swept it for half a year.