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"I need not remind you, Sir Rowland," replied Wild, "that you had two sisters Aliva and Constance." "Both are dead," observed the knight, gloomily. "Not so;" answered Wild. "Constance is yet living." "Constance alive? Impossible!" ejaculated Trenchard. "I've proofs to the contrary," replied Jonathan. "If this is the case, where is she?" "In Bedlam," replied the thief-taker, with a Satanic grin.

Accordingly, the old knight reduced his son's allowance to a third of its previous amount; and, upon further provocation, he even went so far as to alter his will in favour of his daughter, Aliva, who was then betrothed to her cousin, Sir Cecil Trafford." "Proceed, Sir," said Trenchard, breathing hard. "Under these circumstances, Rowland did what any other sensible person would do.

Sheppard, who had been stricken down by the blow that prostrated her assailant, looked up, she perceived Jonathan Wild kneeling beside the body of Blueskin. He was holding the ring to the light, and narrowly examining the inscription. "Trenchard," he muttered; "Aliva Trenchard they were right, then, as to the name.

"You can no longer refuse to tell me the name of this youth's father, Aliva," he said. "I dare not, Rowland," she answered. "I cannot break my vow. I will confide it to Father Spencer, who will acquaint you with it when I am no more. Undraw the curtain, love," she added to Thames, "that I may look at you." "Ha!" exclaimed her son, starting back, as he obeyed her, and disclosed Jonathan Wild.

By your father, Sir Montacute Trenchard's will, you are aware, and, therefore, I need not repeat it, except for the special purpose I have in view, you are aware, I say, that, by this will, in case your sister Aliva, died without issue, or, on the death of such issue, the property reverts to Constance and her issue." "I hear," said Sir Rowland, moodily. "And I," muttered Jack.

It seemed strange at first and rather awful to be lodged on a rock like this in a section of a Rangar's harem! Yes, there are several women here behind the scenes, but I only see the waiting-women. I've forgotten time; the news about rebellion seems too awful to leave room for any other thought." "Who was the Rangar to whom Aliva gave his word? Not Mahommed Gunga, by any chance?"

"I should die happy, if I could behold my child." "Comfort yourself, then, Aliva. You shall behold him." "You are mocking me, Rowland. Jests are not for seasons like this." "I am not, by Heaven," returned the knight, solemnly. "Leave us, Mrs. Norris, and do not return till Father Spencer arrives." "Your ladyship " hesitated Norris. "Go!" said Lady Trafford; "it is my last request."

"Rowland," she said, in a faint voice, "I have not many minutes to live. Where is Father Spencer? I must have absolution. I have something that weighs heavily upon my mind." Sir Rowland's brow darkened. "I have sent for him," Aliva, he answered; "he will be here directly, with your medical advisers." "They are useless," she returned. "Medicine cannot save mo now." "Dear sister "

In after years he returned to his lordship of Gower, and there committed an act of fraud which led to the most fatal consequences. Having two daughters, Aliva and Jane, the eldest of whom was married to John de Mowbray and the second to James de Bohun, he executed a deed, settling his whole estate upon Aliva, and, in case of her death without children, upon Jane.

We shall have him on his return." "I'll see where these footsteps lead to," said Blueskin, holding the light to the floor. "Here are some more papers, Captain." "Give them to me," replied Jack. "Ah!" he exclaimed, "a letter, beginning 'dearest Aliva, that's your mother's name, Thames." "Let me see it," cried Thames, snatching it from him.