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But that I found balm in the Holy Word was no reason why I should not find courage also from the plain words of a plain swordsman. So I read in my book by the light of a ship's lantern, and tried to give my thoughts to the exercise of weapons. While I was reading thus in the cabin the door swung ajar, for ever since the accident the furniture of the ship was all put out of gear.

His jaw dropped and his fishy gray eyes seemed to start from his head as he gazed at the door. It stood ajar some six inches and exposed the features of a person impatient to the point of frenzy. "Ex-cuse me, Mr.

The door was ajar, and I peeped in; but I would not do more till I came and asked you if you thought it would not be wrong." Pisistratus. "Very good in you, my discreet little cousin. I have no doubt it is a ghost-trap; however, with Juba's protection, I think we might venture together."

She was but one of thousands of bits of human wreckage, in danger herself and of danger to others, and somebody must do something for her. I put my hand on her shoulder to draw her back and as I did so the door, half ajar, opened more widely. Motionless, and as one transfixed, she stared at it wide-eyed, and into her face crept the pallor of death. Selwyn and Harrie were standing in the doorway.

He drew away from the window and quivered from head to foot on hearing a faint footfall and thinking it was that of Signor Squadra approaching to fetch him. The sound came from an adjacent apartment, the little throne-room, whose door, he now perceived, had remained ajar.

"Now you see how the matter stands on the night of the robbery. While ghost number one was out driving with Radnor, ghost number two entered the house through the open library window, found the safe ajar and helped himself.

'It will only attract idlers. On turning the corner and reaching the church they found the door ajar; but the building contained only two persons, a man and a woman, the clerk and his wife, as they learnt. Swithin asked when the clergyman would arrive. The clerk looked at his watch, and said, 'At just on eleven o'clock. 'He ought to be here, said Swithin.

So they went and ate, but during that meal Gallus was very silent, as was his custom when he set his brain to work. Presently he asked: "Tell me, Miriam, did any see you or your companion enter here?" "No, I think not," she answered, "for as it chanced the door of the courtyard was ajar and the servant has not yet returned." "Good," he said.

I slept lightly, left my door ajar to catch the slightest sound, even made stealthy tours of the house below-stairs while everybody dreamed in their beds. But I discovered nothing; the doors were always locked; I neither saw the housekeeper again in unreasonable times and places, nor heard a footstep in the passages and halls. The Noise was never once repeated.

"I will wait until his return, and let him tell her," thought he, but when a half hour or more went by and Durward did not come, he concluded to go down and ask to see her by himself. In order to do this, it was necessary for him to pass 'Lena's room, the door of which was ajar. She was awake, and hearing his step, thought it was Mrs. Aldergrass, and called to her.