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OOGNO We are saved now. THAHN Aye, we are saved. AGMAR We are saved, but I know not how. OOGNO Never had beggars such a time. THIEF I will go out and watch. ULF Yet I have a fear. OOGNO A fear? Why, we are saved. ULF Last night I dreamed. OOGNO What was your dream? ULF It was nothing. I dreamed that I was thirsty and one gave me Woldery wine; yet there was a fear in my dream.

MAN You were all green, Master, all green in the gloaming, all of rock again as you used to be in the mountains. Master, we can bear to see you in flesh like men, but when we see rock walking it is terrible, it is terrible. AGMAR That is how we appeared to you? MAN Yes, Master. Rock should not walk. When children see it they do not understand. Rock should not walk in the evening.

THAHN They are bad. AGMAR So you would forsake the calling. OOGNO The city is unworthy of our calling. The gods are drowsy, and all that is divine in man is dead. ULF They are drowsy in their mountains away at Marma. The seven green idols are drowsy. Who is this that rebukes us? THAHN Are you some great merchant, Master? Perhaps you will help a poor man that is starving.

AGMAR You say you saw us? MAN Yes, Master. Not as you are now, but otherwise. We implore you, Master, not to wander at evening. You are terrible in the gloaming. You are.... AGMAR You say we appeared not as we are now. How did we appear to you? MAN Otherwise, Master, otherwise. AGMAR But how did we appear to you?

AGMAR In the desert? When did you see us? MAN Last night, Master. You were terrible last night. You were terrible in the gloaming. When your hands were stretched out and groping. You were feeling for the city. AGMAR Last night do you say? MAN You were terrible in the gloaming! AGMAR You yourself saw us? MAN Yes, Master, you were terrible. Children too saw you and they died.

They know me for one of the craft, but they do not know me as being one of us. AGMAR Well, well ... THIEF There is danger, Master, there is great danger. AGMAR You mean that they suspect that we are men? THIEF That they have long done, Master. I mean that they will know it. Then we are lost. AGMAR Then they do not know it? THIEF They do not know it yet, but they will know it, and we are lost.

Doubt ever contaminated virtue. ILLANAUN But O most reverened Deity from the mountain, we also doubt, most reverend Deity. AGMAR You have chosen. You have chosen. And yet it is not too late. Repent and cast these men in prison and it may not be too late. The gods have never wept.

ULF It is even so. AGMAR Then will the gods be glad when we follow the holy calling with new devices and with subtlety, as they are glad when the priests sing a new song. ULF Yet I have a fear. SLAG Yes, Master. Shall I make the prophecy myself? Or shall it be found in some old document? AGMAR Let someone have seen it once in some rare document. Let it be spoken of in the market-place.