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Punishment has overtaken the faithless Constantine." Miss Beaufort looked aghast, and grasping the back of the chair to prevent her from falling, breathlessly inquired what she meant? Lascelles is just come in to dinner. You cannot think with what fiendish glee he told me that several days ago, as he was driving out of town, he saw Mr.

"Not with my sanction!" I retorted, somewhat aghast at the idea of having paved a broad and easy path for the way of criminals. "Tut, tut, Quib!" said Gottlieb. "You have nothing to do with what use our friend here sees fit to put your law to. I have never yet advised any man how to do an illegal thing.

The soldier started back aghast, as if from a dweller of another world; but recovering his courage in an instant, and not doubting that he beheld in the unexpected visitor a Shawnee and foe, who had thus found means of assailing his party on the rear, he rushed upon the stranger with drawn sword, for he had laid his rifle aside, and taking him at a disadvantage, while stooping to drag the boat further ashore, he smote him such a blow over the head, as brought him instantly to the ground, a dead man to all appearance, since, while his body fell upon the earth, his head, or at least a goodly portion of it, sliced away by the blow, went skimming into the water.

But now that YOU have followed me openly, with your name blazoned forth in the company's passenger-lists, and your traces left plain in hotels and stages across the map of South Africa why, the spoor is easy. If Sebastian cares to find us, he can follow the scent all through without trouble." "I never thought of that!" I cried, aghast. She was forbearance itself.

The courtiers were aghast at his rashness, and fully expected that the tyrant would take him at his word and put him in prison, if nothing worse; but Dionysius was struck by the moral courage which made Philoxenus tell the truth at the risk of his life, and he bade him go home in peace. There lived in those days in Syracuse two young men called Da´mon and Pyth´i-as.

Are they like us, I wonder in the timid hope of some reward, some sugar with the drug? do they, too, stand aghast at unrewarded virtues, at the sufferings of those whom, in our partiality, we take to be just, and the prosperity of such as, in our blindness, we call wicked? It may be, and yet God knows what they should look for.

He stood aghast for an instant, then recovering himself as he looked upon her and marked the nature of her emotion, he said: "There can be no false step that you could ever have taken that cannot be retrieved. There can have been nothing that is irretrievable, except falsehood." "Falsehood! No," cried she, "I will not say what is false therefore I will not say anything."

I I took a b-book which I had no business to take, and F-fate glues me to your horrid table and holds me fast till a man named George comes in...." Flushed, trembling, excited, she made a quick and dramatic gesture of despair; and a ripping sound rent the silence. "Are you pasted to that table?" faltered the young man, aghast. "Yes, I am.

The merchants in the factory were aghast; Lieutenant Elliott fumed with indignation; but they saw that they had no alternative. Their chief had been removed by treachery; to resist was hopeless; and though such submission to a native was galling they could but recognize their helplessness and make the best of a bad situation.

"But General Buell, not knowing exactly what General Bragg intends with his divided force, has divided his own in order to meet him at all points." "Has he done that?" exclaimed Dick aghast. Like other young officers he felt perfectly competent to criticize anybody. "He has, and it seems to me that when the enemy divided was the time for us to unite or remain united.