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"You're a wise man, sir, and a great man, but if a plain common chap may give you a bit of advice aw, but you'll be losing no time, though, I'll not be here myself to see it. I'll be on the water, maybe, with the waves washing agen the gun'ale, and the wind rattling in the rigging, and the ship burrowing into the darkness of the sea.

As soon as Stephen entered, Bess threw herself on her knees at his feet, and looked up imploringly into his face. 'Oh, dear, good Stephen, she cried, 'thee canst save father! I'll kneel here till thee has promised to save him. Oh, don't bear any spite agen him, but forgive him and save him! 'Get up, Bess, said Stephen kindly; 'don't thee kneel down to a fellow like me.

Nothing should prevent him, he said, from leading her to the halter, from makin her his adoarable wife. After this was a slight silence. "Dearest Frederic," mummered out miss, speakin as if she was chokin, "I am yours yours for ever." And then silence agen, and one or two smax, as if there was kissin going on.

"Ah! to find out your address, we were forced to make inquiries. But what resulted from all this?" "Nothing, madame, to my knowledge." "Then why did you think I should wish to speak of it?" "I am wrong again, madame." "From what place are you, monsieur?" "From Agen." "What, you are a Gascon! and yet are not vain enough to suppose that when I saw you at the Porte St.

But it went agen me aye, it did to leave him wi her after aw! And falling suddenly silent, Reuben sat wrapped in a sombre mist of memory. Then Louie broke out, rolling and unrolling the ribbons of her hat in hot fingers. 'I don't believe half on't I don't see how you could know nor Mr. Gurney either. Reuben looked round bewildered.

"They kicked agen us having the vote, and now we've got it they think we ought to vote with them like as if we was a appendage of theirs; men will be learnt different to that by-and-by, but it's best to go gradual; they've had as much as they can swaller for a time."

'I'm a deserter, sobbed the boy; 'my Captain won't have me back. I've disgraced Him, I've disgraced my banner, I've disgraced my button! 'Your Captain will pick you up, I'm thinkin', if you ask Him. He'll clean you up fust-rate, and set you on your legs agen. 'Will He? And hope once more began to dawn in the dim blue eyes. 'Of course He will.

Next evenin' when it got dark, I went on agen, an' trabblin through de woods I seed a little light, an' sartin dis time dat it was a darkey's cabin, I made for it, an' it was. It was his'n," pointing to the big fellow who stood beside him, and who nodded his head in assent. "I had a palaver before he'd let me in, but when I was in I seed what de matter was.

Ed Adams give us a nut and we fixed the wheal. we had a ride tonite. i tell you lady Clara can go. we beat Gim Lovering tonite. he dident know who we was becaus it was two dark but we knowed him. we beat him and then we waited for him to come up and then we beat him agen. we did that 3 times, and Gim he was mad.

Just came up to see if the gardener's about, and he'd give me a job." "You know he wouldn't," I said. "The Doctor will not have you about the place again." "And it's very hard," he whined. "Everybody's agen me, and takes 'vantage of me, even young gents as owes me money and won't pay." "Why, who owes you money, Magg?" "You do, sir; four shillin', which I wouldn't ask you for, but "