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But the moment fowk says wha I am ye touch na a poun'-not' mair, an' I coont mysel' free to pursue onything I can pruv agane ye." Mrs. Catanach attempted a laugh of scorn, but her face was gray as putty and its muscles declined response. "Ay or no?" said Malcolm. "I winna gar ye sweir, for I wad lippen to yer aith no a hair."

Plainly she was not like any of the women whose characters the marquis had accepted as typical of womankind. "Then you won't leave the matter to her husband and son?" he said reproachfully. "I tellt ye, my lord, I wad du naething but what I saw to be richt. Lat this affair oot o' my han's I daurna. That laad ye micht work to onything 'at made agane himsel'. He's jist like his puir mither there."

I pray yow, sir, reid and ather bwrne or send agane vith the berare; for I dar haserd my lyf and all I hew ellise in the varld on his message, I hew sik pruif of his constant trewth. Sa committis yow to Chrystis holy protectioun. Frome the Kannogait the xxvij day of July 1600. Yowris till all power vt humbill servise redy RESTALRIGE.

"Spies of Rob!" said Inverashalloch. "We wad serve them right to strap them up till the neist tree." "We are gaun to see after some gear o' our ain, gentlemen," said the Bailie, "that's fa'en into his hands by accident there's nae law agane a man looking after his ain, I hope?" "How did you come by this letter?" said the officer, addressing himself to me.

Reuben's a gude lad and a kind I have aye allowed that; but as to his not allowing inquiry anent the scandal of Marjory Kittlesides and Rory MacRand, under pretence that they have southered sin wi' marriage, it's clear agane the Christian discipline o' the kirk.

"He'll be nae nicer than your lordship's honour, I'se warrant," answered Caleb, cheerfully, with a nod of intelligence; "I am sorry that the gentleman is under distress, but I am blythe that he canna say muckle agane our housekeeping, for I believe his ain pinches may matach ours; no that we are pinched, thank God," he added, retracting the admission which he had made in his first burst of joy, "but nae doubt we are waur aff than we hae been, or suld be.

I'm haulding mysel' as one proof of that it's why I've told you sae muckle in this book of myself and the way that I've come frae the pit tae the success and the comfort that I ken the noo. I had to learn, lang agane, that my business was not only mine. Maybe you'll think that I'm less concerned with others and their affairs than maist folk, and maybe that's true, tae.

Say what the auld yerl cud, they wad not hear o' sic a thing, an' the leddy was 'maist mair set agane 't nor the prence. She wad be merried accordin' to Scots law, she said, an' wad hae nae ither ceremony, say 'at he likit!

Reuben's a gude lad and a kind I have aye allowed that; but as to his not allowing inquiry anent the scandal of Marjory Kittlesides and Rory MacRand, under pretence that they have southered sin wi' marriage, it's clear agane the Christian discipline o' the kirk.

And always, since the nicht when I first sang in public, so many yearst agane that it hurts a little to count the tale o' them, I've been like a doctor who keeps his finger on the pulse of his patient. I've tried to ken, always, day in, day oot, how I was pleasing you the public. You make up my audiences. And it is you who send the other audiences, that hae no heard me yet, to come to the theatre.