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I saw Laura, a pretty girl, in the garden at Englefield some years since, when I was airing in Lady Pomfret's coach; and as we looked, the little hoyden Maria comes running up in muslin and blue ribbons, all health and youth and blooming cheeks and brown curls and eyes a perfect Hebe. And 'tis she the milliner's brat that's to borrow the Car of Love and set the world afire.

She closed her eyes, and a gasping sigh broke from her lips as Don Carlos strained her close to his breast again, murmuring endearments. "Let me set your heart afire with burning kisses," he murmured. "I will kiss the heart out of you, sweet one, and kiss it back again white hot with my own love and ardour. Give me back kiss for kiss, beloved."

"It's Miss Presly," said Emarine, resentfully, under her breath. "Old gossip!" " goin' to have a fine dinner, I hear," Miss Presly was saying. "Turkey with oyster dressin', an' cranberries, an' mince an' pun'kin pie, an' reel plum puddin' with brandy poured over 't an' set afire, an' wine dip, an' nuts an' raisins, an' wine itself to wind up on. Emarine's a fine cook.

The one-sided position is most useful to a specialist, to a man who expects to remain satisfied in the place where chance has put him; but it is useless for one who proposes to enter life with his blood afire.

For while the music was still echoing in his ears, in a subtone, his brain was afire with keen activity; but unfortunately for the going forward of things, this mental state was divided into so many battalions, led by so many generals, indirectly and indecisively, nowhere. This plan had no beginning, that one had no ending, and the other neither beginning nor ending.

As I am rising there is a racket in the cellar and the child soon comes blinking into the lighted dining-room, his hair dusty with snow, his cheeks blazing, his eyes afire. He slips into his place with just a hint of apology about him and reaches for his cup of fresh, warm milk. He is twelve years old. "What does this mean, Mansie?" she says. "Nothing." "You are late for dinner.

So passed that day and two days more, and naught befell, save that on the midnight of the first day of their wending the rock-sea, Ralph awoke and saw the sky all ablaze with other light than that of the moon; so he arose and went hastily to the Sage, and took him by the shoulder, and bid him awake; "For meseems the sky is afire, and perchance the foe is upon us."

There was some haphazard comment when he had finished, after which Slim spoke. "So the nester hauled you out. Ce'tainly looks like he's plumb game. You said he was afire when he got you into the open, didn't you, Phil?" The boy nodded. "And all in. He fainted right away." "With him still burning away like the doctor's fire there," murmured Healy ironically, with a slight gesture toward the cook.

Plumbers always do it this way." David's mother laughed. "So they do, dear, pretty nearly," she said. "Be very careful of the candle, and don't burn yourself or set the box afire, and be sure to blow it out when you are through." And David nodded and put his head back in the box, and his mother went in, smiling.

His hazel eyes were afire with inspiration. Reddy Ray's lean jaw bulged. "Homans, it's the trick, and we can turn it." "What's the score 7 to 1?" muttered Homans. It was a tight place for him, and he seemed tortured between ambition and doubt. "That fellow Murphy hasn't got one in my groove yet," said Reddy. "I'm due to lace one. We're good for more runs." That decided Homans.