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Meanwhile, O'Gorman religiously refrained from obtruding himself upon us until I had dismissed the boat's crew upon the completion of their labours, when he came aboard, ostensibly to ascertain whether everything had been done to my satisfaction, but actually as I soon discovered to claim the assistance that I had undertaken to afford him.

"No," said the lady, "not if you can gather enough myrtle-berries to afford me a profit and you a living." It was some thirty leagues or more eastward to the country of the Biloxis, a beautiful land of low, evergreen hills looking out across the pine-covered sand-keys of Mississippi Sound to the Gulf of Mexico. The northern shore of Biloxi Bay was rich in candleberry-myrtle.

Pause! many years may yet, in the course of nature, afford you time to retrace your steps, to atone to thousands the injuries you have inflicted on the few. I know not why I thus address you: but something diviner than indignation urges me; something tells me that you are already on the brink of the abyss!"

There was an abundance of grass, growing in tufts, and a small group of trees near us, which would afford us shade and firewood. Stanley also hoped to kill some game. The poor cattle had to wait, though, till our horses had the water they required. Leo and Natty had been amusing themselves outside the camp.

"What man? My man?" "Yes," said honest Fessenden's; "he said he'd be damned if he'd have a nigger's critters along with his'n!" "Then we'll afford him an early opportunity to be damned," observed the Judge. "Drive them back again. I'll go with you. By the way, Mr.

"I could not afford to live any distance from the school," she added bluntly. "Besides, I wanted to be alone." So she taught, Sommers reflected, yet she had none of the professional air, the faded niceness of face and manner which he associated with the city school-teacher. "I haven't taught long," she volunteered, "only about a year.

Some of them act as nurses for the sick, for pay if people can afford it, for nothing if they cannot. Others have studied medicine, and practice in the same way. They also prepare medicines and dispense them, and do a lot of good things, if possible, for money and the advantage of the House of Martha.

After bringing every nook and corner into requisition and putting men pretty well everywhere, she had been driven to stow them away in threes and fours, which was a course of procedure entirely opposed to her principles. So much the worse for them if they ate each other up! It would afford more room!

The "out-of-the-world" islanders could afford ivory, not iron. Ridgeway does not allow the poet to mean what he says. The poet is now using an epic formula older than the age of iron swords. That Mr. Mr.

Girls cannot afford to take the great risks incident to leading an immoral life, aside from all moral reasons for not doing so. In the first place there is the danger of becoming pregnant. Think what that means! The majority of girls are led to take the first step by promises of marriage. Real life has proved these promises seldom are kept.