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He argued with me that Lord M. affichéd his own importance, too much at the election, and says Henry is anxious about it. I hinted to him the necessity of counter-balancing it the next time, which will be soon. Thomson also called about the Bannatyne Club. These two interruptions did me good, though I am still a poor wretch.

There are a lot of formalities that have to be gone through with: we have to see an English solicitor, sign a lot of papers, be affichéd two Sundays a sort of banns, you know and then we have to be married at the mairie. Altogether the business takes just over a couple of weeks, so the sooner one decides the sooner one can set about it, you see?" She could think of no reply.

When, in 1845, poor Hood's friends were helping him by gratuitous articles in his magazine, "Hood's Own," Kinglake wrote to Monckton Milnes refusing to contribute. He will send 10 pounds to buy an article from some competent writer, but will not himself write. "It would be seriously injurious to me if the author of 'Eothen' were affiched as contributing to a magazine.

She and General Lackaday had been hand in glove for months. He evidently more than admired her. Auriol, said Sir Julius, in her don't-care-a-dam-for-anybody sort of way made no pretence of disguising her sentiments. Any fool could see she was in love with the man. And they had affiched themselves together all over the place.