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'Ye must git t' roses back t' yer cheeks, he exclaimed, with a short laugh, 'I canna be takin' a ghost t' church. She smiled tremulously, and he continued, laying one hand affectionately on her shoulder: 'Nay, but I was but jestin'. Roses or na roses, ye'll be t' bonniest bride in all Coomberland. I'll meet ye in Hullam lane, after church time, tomorrow, he added, moving towards the door.

In this world one should be prepared for everything, or where is one? "I've brought the revolver," said Mr. Peters. "So so I see!" said Billie. Mr. Peters nursed the weapon affectionately in his hand. He was rather a shy man with women as a rule, but what Sam had told him about her being interested in his revolver had made his heart warm to this girl.

"But, dear child," her mother deprecated, "should you make a dressing room of the drawing room?" "I know Mrs. Orton Beg will pardon me," said Edith, rolling her hair up deftly and neatly as she spoke, with the air of a privileged person quite at home. Mrs. Orton Beg smiled at her affectionately; but before she could speak the door opened once more, and the servant announced: "Lord Dawne."

Jackson, the distinguished professor of pugilism, to whom he afterwards affectionately refers as his "old friend and corporeal pastor and master." There is no inducement to dwell on amours devoid of romance, further than to remember that they never trenched on what the common code of the fashionable world terms dishonour.

There was another entrance into Newton Park, opening from the same road, about half a mile further on; and Charles Marston made his way lie through this. Thus the young people walked on, talking of a hundred things as they proceeded, in the mirth of their hearts. Between the fathers of the two young men, who thus walked so affectionately together, there subsisted unhappily no friendly feelings.

When the Lives are done, I shall send them to complete her collection, but must send them in paper, as for want of a pattern, I cannot bind them to fit the rest. 'I am, Sir, 'Yours most affectionately, 'SAM. JOHNSON. 'London, Aug. 21, 1780. This year he wrote to a young clergyman in the country, the following very excellent letter, which contains valuable advice to Divines in general:

Granville's chair, and said in parrot-like tones: "I'm so glad to see you, pa!" "And you are really Philip?" said Mr. Granville slowly. "Yes, I'm Philip Brent; but I suppose my name is Granville now." "Come here, my boy!" Mr. Granville drew the boy to him, and looked earnestly in his face, then kissed him affectionately. "He has changed since he was a little child, Mrs.

The western men, all ranchers, who despised and hated farmers and everything pertaining to them, were all ranged behind the Swallow, a dainty little bay mare, bred, owned, and ridden by a young Englishman, Victor Stanton, known throughout the Albertas, south and north, as "The Kid," or, affectionately, "The Kiddie," admired for his superb riding, his reckless generosity, his cool courage, and loved for his gentle, generous heart.

She had literally marked for him the brightest patches of my prose, and if I was a little amused Vereker himself may well have been. He showed how much he was when before us all Lady Jane wanted to read something aloud. I liked at any rate the way he defeated her purpose by jerking the paper affectionately out of her clutch. He'd take it upstairs with him and look at it on going to dress.

Even at the age of thirty, it was yet uncertain whether Ernest Maltravers might become an exemplary or an evil man. But he could sooner have strangled a foe than taken the hand of a man whom he had once betrayed. "I love to think you friends," said Florence, gazing at them affectionately, "and to you, at least, Lumley, such friendship should be a blessing.