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The sides were built up after the same fashion, but instead of the delicate architectural divisions he affected, partitions were made with massed fruit and flowers, vines and trellises.

The greeting between the two potentates was, of course, as full of affected kindness and compliment as it was totally devoid of sincerity.

Guy did not speak till he could quite control himself; then he said firmly, but with a sob in his voice still, "Yet I have killed you!" "No, no," Constance answered, quickly; "indeed it is not so. A cold which attacked my chest caused this illness; but they say my lungs were affected long ago, and that I could hardly have lived many months.

He was a schoolmate of mine, by the way. For six weeks he lay on his back and suffered as I never saw a man suffer in this world; and I've seen some bad cases. They had to chloroform him every time they wanted to move him. He had affected to be hard and cynical, and I must say that he played it out to the end. It was a strong character, a strong mind sodden and diseased with drink.

But whatever may be the cause how shall I say it? that has affected your father's health, you should think of only one thing, my friend; that is, that he has been tender and devoted to you; that he became a widower very young and he did not remarry; that he has endured, in order to devote himself to his only child, long years of solitude and unhappy memories.

In what way or to what extent, if any, the relations between the young mariner and his wife were affected after Hymen had stepped in and chained them together, there are data for determining.

The natural result of those excesses was to be expected. It took the shape of the man on horseback. The imperial control of Napoleon led the French people into a military waste of strength which has affected the French race even down to the present time.

The sixth and seventh stanzas affected me much, even to the dimming of my eyes and faltering of my voice while I was reading them aloud. Having said this, I have said enough. Now for the per contra. "My household desire to be remembered to you in no formal way. Seldom have I parted never, I was going to say with one whom after so short an acquaintance I lost sight of with more regret.

But the son was more discriminating than the father, even though the punishment affected himself. "You are not in earnest, father," he remonstrated; "I know I was in fault. But the punishment is too hard, even so; and I can appeal." The turnpike-keeper laughed softly. "Yes, you can be a fool," he said, "and get yourself into a worse mess!

Oriental historians have noticed that the numeral eight affected this caliph in a singular manner.