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They never were here before, these types of men with eyes looking for quick money, for instantaneous riches, for some "affaires du ravitaillement militaire." Yesterday's poor chaps, that would not know the difference between a côtelette and a jigôt are ordering and easily eating things that it would take me some time to think of.

But now to other affaires of Harold. Harold degenerateth from his father. Hen. Euill men, the longer they liue, the more they grow into miserie. Wil. Malm. Hen.

The old memories are crowded with pleasures. You can name dozens if you have been brought up in good literary society. These love affairs may be owned freely, as being perfectly honorable, even if hopeless. And, of course, there have been gallantries mere affaires du jour such as every man occasionally engages in. Sometimes they seemed serious, but only for a moment.

Nous avons eu transformation de societe, inventaire, assemblee d'actionnaires, tout cela m'a donne un effrayant surcroit de besogne et de fatigue, et je n'avais pas le courage de reprendre la plume lorsque je rentrais au logis, harasse et souffrant. Aujourd'hui nos affaires commencent a reprendre leur cours normal."

He goes to Paris to study art. I see a great future for him, in art." Frances stared at him, and then sat down, dully. What did it matter? Paris or Oxford? She would not be there. What did it matter? Lisa waited a moment for some comment, and then began sharply, "Now, we come to affaires! Listen, if you please. I am a woman of business. Plain speaking is always best, to my idea." Mrs.

Le Ministre des Affaires Etrangères vient de me dire que nos pourparlers, qui étaient déj

As that is her sacred pleasure, I have been inhabiting the most abstract realms of heroic sentiment, living on the most diluted moonshine, and spinning out elaborately all those charming and seraphic distinctions between tweedle-dum and tweedle-dee with which these ecstatic creatures delight themselves in certain stages of affaires du coeur.

L'Ambassadeur en Angleterre au Ministre des Affaires Etrangères. Londres, le 17/30 Juillet 1914.

I am afraid, little sister mine, you are either a very great hypocrite, or very cold-hearted, which is it, dearest Valerie?" "Very cold-hearted, I believe, brother. At least I certainly have no affaires de coeur to relate.

Thus the nation, more and more, with ever-increasing rapidity, declined in bodily, and of course spiritual, quality, until the end was reached, and Nature swallowed up the weaklings whole; and thus war, which to the modern state is at worst the blockhead and indecent affaires d'honneur of persons in office and which, surely, before you and I die will cease altogether was to the ancient a genuine and remorselessly fatal scourge.