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Suddenly Rogatchov heard the heart-rending wail of old age...he recognised the voice of his father. Afanasey Lukitch, bare-headed, with dishevelled hair, was running in front of them all, frantically waving his hands.... With a violent and unexpected turn of the blade Vassily sent the sword flying out of Pavel Afanasievitch's hand. 'Marry her, my boy, he said to him: 'give over this foolery!

From the time of Pavel Afanasievitch's betrothal, both the Rogatchovs, father and son, had been tremendously busy. They had been having their house entirely transformed adding various 'galleries, talking in a friendly way with the workmen, encouraging them with drinks. They had not yet completed all these additions by the winter; they put off the wedding till the summer.

Pavel Afanasievitch's father heard too of Vassily's presence, and after an interval of a few days 'for the sake of greater formality' he sallied off to Lutchinovka with the object of 'felicitating our honoured guest on his advent to the halls of his ancestors. Afanasey Lukitch was famed all over the countryside for his eloquence that is to say, for his capacity for enunciating without faltering a rather long and complicated speech, with a sprinkling of bookish phrases in it.

Poor Pavel Afanasievitch fell dead: Lutchinov's sword stabbed him to the heart... The door gave way; old Rogatchov burst into the summerhouse, but Vassily had already jumped out of window... Two hours later he went into Olga Ivanovna's room... She rushed in terror to meet him... He bowed to her in silence; took out his sword and pierced Pavel Afanasievitch's portrait in the place of the heart.