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When he ran after his grandmother to get her consent, it occurred to him to find out from Zene how the pig-headed man was, and if he looked as ugly as ever. But aunt Corinne scorned the question, and quite flew af him for asking it.

The witch in the saga is called a "seiðkona." Concerning the kind of witchcraft practised by a "seiðkona," P.A. Munch has the following: "Som den virksomste, men og som den skjendigste, af al Troldom ansaa vore Forfædre den saakaldte Seid.

The angle actually measured by Eratosthenes is KFA, as determined by the shadow cast by the gnomon AF. This angle is equal to the opposite angle JFL, which measures the sun's distance from the zenith; and which is also equal to the angle AES to determine the Size of which is the real object of the entire measurement.

Then also the Sine of the angle DAE is to the Sine of NAF as BC is to AN. But the ratio of BC to AN was the same as that of the velocities of light in the substance which is towards AE and in that which is towards AF; therefore also the Sine of the angle DAE will be to the Sine of the angle NAF the same as the said velocities of light.

One of them, Marino, becomes president of the temporary Committee of Surveillance, at Lyons. Another, Parrien, is made president of the Revolutionary Committee. Archives Nationales, AF., II., 59. Archives des Affaires Etrangeres, vol. 333. Papers relating to the revolutionary tax of Belfort, giving all the amounts and names.

Let Ap represent progeny who belong to class A, and similarly Bp, Cp, Dp. Law 2 may now be set down as under Af + Bm Am + Bf Cf + Dm Cm + Df Dp Cp Bp Ap The first law holds good with the progeny of these combinations, i.e., Dp can only marry one of class C though neither the father nor mother of Dp could marry into class C; similarly for Cp, &c.

Pollyooly told him, indifferently enough, that he had gone to the village. The baron sought the village at his best, but curious, toddling rush. In the middle of it he met his young charge plodding along with an air of perfect content. In his hand he bore a paper bag. "Vot 'af your 'ighness been doing?" cried his richly purple preceptor.

The following shows some of the municipal expenditures. Fraternal subscriptions, 400,000 francs. Forced loan, 2,400,000 francs. Amount arising from grain granted by the government, but not paid for, 400,000 francs." Archives Nationales, AF., II., 72.

"Sur this is to let you no that if you go an givin wan la for the poor and anud'her for the rich you will soon get a bullet through you as Tandrem af Tavnibeg got. If you wish to bay safe thin bay the poor man's friend oderways it'll be worse for you. "Kaptn Jostige."

Offices are mostly filled by creatures of the Commune who very often have neither talent nor integrity. In fact, some months later, the number of claqueurs, male and female, is much greater, and finally reaches a thousand. The Committee, to assure itself, sent the list to the Jacobin club, where they were accepted." Ibid., AF.,II., 58.