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In a storm like the one to-night, you my need me worse than ever. Anyhow, Dave Dashaway, I won't let you go alone." The young airman looked at his loyal, earnest friend with pleasure and pride. Hiram was only a crude country boy. He had, however, shown diamond in the rough, and Dave appreciated the fact. Hiram had made several ground runs in an aeroplane.

Both lads almost uttered a cry as the bright light bathed them and made it certain that their rivals had discovered their aeroplane; but before they could utter a word the mysterious craft had extinguished the search glare and was off with the rapidity of the wind toward the west. "They must be scared of us," said Harry at length, after a long awe-stricken silence.

The main body of the manuscript is written neatly in ink, but the last few lines are in pencil and are so ragged as to be hardly legible exactly, in fact, as they might be expected to appear if they were scribbled off hurriedly from the seat of a moving aeroplane.

Miller looked thoughtfully at his companion. "Suppose you pull up a chair; wait, first hang your cap over the keyhole of the hall door." While waiting for Heinrich to follow his instructions Miller seated himself. "A blind?" he repeated. "No, no, Heinrich, you are mistaken; Mr. Whitney has invented a very perfect aeroplane camera, of that I am thoroughly convinced. And our country needs it...."

Hooray, now we have a chance to beat the scoundrels at their own game." "You mean if we can file those papers first they stand good in law?" asked Roy. "That's just what I do mean, and I think that with the aeroplane we can do it." "You can depend on it, Mr. Bell, that if there is a chance those papers get into Blue Creek first," cried Peggy ablaze with excitement. "But we can't start to-night."

He realized just why that boy had been chosen to serve as leader of his patrol, and in the absence of both scout master and assistant, had more than once been given full charge of the entire troop. It was certainly a most exhilarating sensation to Hugh when he felt the big war aeroplane start away from solid ground and begin to climb upward.

I knew your memory would not fail you. It's a great movement that we've begun, Mr. Scott. France will be saved or destroyed within the next few days." "I think so." "You've deserted your friend, Philip Lannes, the finest of our airmen." "Oh, no, I haven't. He's deserted me. I couldn't afford to be a burden on his aeroplane at such a time as this." "I suppose not.

He set the engine at full speed again, and as the aeroplane soared on like a swallow its departure was followed by a lusty British cheer. "Three hours late, mister," Rodier bawled in Smith's ear. It was half-past six by Smith's watch, near eleven by local time, when the aeroplane sailed across the long mangrove swamp that forms the western side of the harbour of Karachi.

"He can't," Johnny declared with confidence. "He's working for his passage er " "Er yes?" Mary V smiled demurely. "You may just as well tell me the whole thing, now. Have you got an aeroplane? Really truly? I mean, where did you get it? I know, of course, you must have one, or you wouldn't buy all that gas."

He started up, and told Rodier, who had begun his customary task of cleaning the engine, the conclusion to which he had come. "We will ascend at once," he said, "and scour the neighbourhood. The forest is thick, but perhaps there are clear spaces in it. Let us lose no time." They dragged the aeroplane to the inner extremity of the enclosure, turned it round, and started it towards the sea.