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"You will not come?" he asked. "I will not say I will not come not ever," she answered firmly. "It may be I should have to come." Resolution was in her eyes. She was thinking of Nahoum. "I may have to come," she added after a pause, "to do right by you." He read her meaning. "Thee will never come," he continued confidently. He held out his hand.

And this work, it must be added, was carried on in the face of the stipulation entered into with the Parliament of 1541, that "the Church of Ireland shall be free, and enjoy all its accustomed privileges." The death of Henry, in January, 1547, found the Reformation in Ireland at the stage just described.

The feet that trod the heavens, the face that beheld the Face of the Shekinah, and the hands that received the Torah, shall not be covered with dust!" God replied: "Nay, the people will say: If a man like Moses, who ascended into heaven, who was peer of the angels, with whom God spoke face to face, and to whom He gave the Torah if such a man cannot justify himself before God, how much less can an ordinary mortal of flesh and blood, who appears before God without having done good deeds or studied the Torah, justify himself? I want to know," He added, "why thou are so much aggrieved at thy impending death."

"That's so, only it was later in the evening that the woman came along to give chin-music through the window. I am bound to say," added the captain generously, "that no one I can place my hand on saw his lorship loafing about the hotel after dark. But what of that? He may have laid his plans, and arranged for the corpse to be found later, in that blamed packing case." "Is this all your evidence?"

After an interval he added "But I dare say you know as much as I can tell you about her, as you walked home or part of the way home with her last evening." This of course was a mere guess on Merton's part. "Yes, I did, but I didn't question her, and I wanted to know where her people came from, the Afflecks " "Oh, I can soon satisfy your curiosity on that point. That is really not her name.

"Miss Garnet, I had hoped I could." "And I had hoped you would." "Miss Garnet, honestly, I'm glad I did not know it at the meeting. It was hard enough to disappoint Mr. March; but to know that I was failing to meet a hope of yours " Presently he added: "Your hope implied a certain belief in me. Have I diminished that?" "Why-y, no-o, Mr. Fair, you've rather aug-men-ted it."

After sucking the blue pencil for some time, he began writing again busily. "How will this do?" he said "I suppose," he said, looking up appealingly, and sucking the pencil "I suppose we couldn't say 'wictory' 'Wayne's wonderful wictory'? No, no. Refinement, Pally, refinement. I have it." Well, anything to annoy old Buck;" and he added, thoughtfully, in smaller letters

"It is of rather more importance to know what the man is himself than what his family is," she said, "if he is going to practise upon us as a surgeon. Have you seen him?" Grace had not. "I think he is not a very old man," she added. "Has he a wife?" "I am not aware that he has." "Well, I hope he will be useful here. I must get to know him when I come back.

What do you think of it, miss?" added he to Augusta, "it's just under your nose." Furlong thought this rather personal, even from a father. "I'll try my knife on one," said Scatterbrain, with a flourish of the oyster-knife, which Furlong thought resembled the preliminary trial of a barber's razor.

"Speech! speech!" cried some one in the crowd, and Smith, thinking the shortest way out of his embarrassment was to comply, stood up in the car and thanked his good friends in Palmerston for the warmth of their reception, and their kindness in supplying his wants. "You will excuse me from saying more, I know," he added.