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And by the way, old chap, I must tell you that you're a d d good actor." "My photograph has appeared in the Tatler" I confessed. "And what news?" he asked. "Up till this morning I should have said 'none. My dear Jack, it has been the most hopelessly baffling business you can possibly imagine.

"I soon perceived that my first error was in supposing that Great Britain was an impartial spectator. In fact, she was morally an actor in the conflict. Such were the antagonistic influences at work in her own midst, and the division of parties, that, in judging American affairs she could not help lending sanction to one or the other side of her own internal conflicts.

Oh, very well, the moment the spirit of the part escaped him it would be better for all concerned that he shouldn't act it at all! "Fauchery!" shouted Bordenave once more. Thereupon the young man ran off, delighted to escape from the actor, who was wounded not a little by his prompt retreat. "Don't let's stay here," continued Bordenave. "Come this way, gentlemen."

After mailing the letter the four children drove to the home of Mr. Winkler. "I hope the monkey does something queer," said Bunny. "I wish the parrot would sing a funny song!" exclaimed Sue. "Something seems to be the matter, anyhow," said Lucile, as they got out of the little sled and walked toward the front door of Mr. Winkler's house, where the actor boarded.

Such was the success of our invention that the piece was played eight nights in succession, and a rival actor, hearing of the triumph achieved by The Harp-Girl, bought from the author for a handsome sum the privilege of acting it in certain districts which were not included in my purchase of the drama.

'And we also, I hope, said Mr Wopples, ungrammatically. 'Come and see "The Cruet Stand" again. I'll put your name on the free list. M. Vandeloup thanked the actor warmly for this kind offer, and took himself off; as he passed along the street he heard a burst of laughter from the Wopples family, no doubt caused by some witticism of the head of the clan.

I might discant for hours with an enthusiasm which, perhaps, only an actor could feel on the marvellous details of Kean's impersonations.

At the news of the ferocity and resolution of the enemy, Louis, "knowing him to be fierce and of a most bitter temper, as a bear robbed of its whelps rages in the forest," hastily retreated, and Henry, as wise a general as he was excellent an actor, fell back to Rouen. Meanwhile he sent to Britanny a force of Brabantines, whom alone he could trust.

The scene set was the Brocken Scene, and Conway stood at the top of the slope as far away from Henry as he could get! He looked abject. His handsome face was very red, his eyes full of tears. He was terrified at the thought of what was going to happen. The actor was summoned to the office, and presently Loveday came out and said that Mr. George Alexander would play Faust the following night.

The audience, spellbound by the actor, nevertheless saw the rustic, and its attention was being divided between the two when Jefferson reached that point in the action of the piece where Rip is amazed by the docility of his wife under the ill usage of her second husband. He took in the situation at a glance.