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They were Prasville's inspectors. "No telegram?" he asked his servant. "No, governor," replied Achille. "No news of the Masher and the Growler?" "No, governor, none." "That's all right," he said to Clarisse, in a casual tone. "It's only seven o'clock and we mustn't reckon on seeing them before eight or nine. Prasville will have to wait, that's all. I will telephone to him to wait."

"For Guiton!" said he, as his point slipped into Cazaio's breast. John Bulmer recoiled and lodged another thrust in the brigand's throat. "For attempting to assassinate me!" His foot stamped as his sword ran deep into Cazaio's belly. "For insulting my wife by thinking of her obscenely! You are a dead man, friend Achille."

Perhaps it was that unconsciously he could not forgive her acquiescence in her husband's infidelities, of which she was by no means ignorant. Passive acceptance was of all the vices that which he could least excuse. He was more intimate with Achille Roussin. Roussin loved music, as he loved the other arts, crudely but sincerely.

'Au diable with politics, interrupted Achille; 'what a very pretty girl that is alongside you, Caper. Look at her; how nicely that costume fits her, the red boddice especially. Where, except in Italy, do you ever see such fine black eyes, and such a splendid head of coal-black hair? This way of having Italian nurses dressed in the Albano costume is very fine.

Pere Achille informed him that the ladies were at their respective country seats where the partners joined them every evening. Fromont Jeune had left the factory very early; Risler Aine had just gone. Frantz decided to speak to old Sigismond.

Meanwhile, if I were not in such a hurry, I should wait till you leave and I should follow Daubrecq to find out in whose charge he has placed the child whom he is going to hand back to me. But I am in a hurry. Besides, I can't tell that Daubrecq won't act by telephone. So let us not waste ourselves in vain efforts, but rather join Victoire, Achille and our precious bag."

Among the list of the very few such Messieurs I fixed upon one as the most likely to be the mysterious Achille Achille was, indeed, his nom de bapteme.

It was that of a man who happened to pass near the enclosure and who stopped suddenly when he caught sight of Robert. He was in civilian dress, but he was none other than Achille Garay, that spy whose secret message had been wrested from him in the forest by Robert and Tayoga. The gaze that Garay bent upon Robert was baleful.

"Throat trouble," suggested a voice. " our venerable and excellent mayor," continued Achille Pigoult, taking no notice of the interruption, "is unable to be present at this meeting.

Swiftly he bore into the canal which was filled with the postal-gondolas. But not so soon that Achille did not perceive and follow. On and on, soundless; now the pursuer had the advantage over the pursued. It was Pompeo who had to watch, to call; Achille had only to hang on. And he was gaining. A moment later less than ten yards intervened. O for some clumsy barge to bar the way!