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When he took up a little water for the purpose of the initial achamana, the water seemed to him to be very muddy.

The achamana is not exactly washing, when one is directed to perform the achamana after having eaten, there it, of course, implies an act of washing. At the commencement, however, of religious acts, the rite of achamana consists in merely touching the lips and some other parts with water.

Before beginning to eat and after finishing the meal, and in all acts requiring purification, the Brahmana should perform the achamana with water placed on the limb called the Brahmatirtha. After ejecting any matter from the throat or spitting, one should wash one's mouth before one can become pure.

Some texts read fifty seven. A difference of reading is observable here. As a purificatory ceremony, called the Achamana. To this day, no Hindu can perform any ceremony without going through the Achamana in the first instance. "'And while Rama was on this side of the ocean, the virtuous Vibhishana, the brother of the king of the Rakshasas accompanied by four of his counsellors, came unto Rama.

The first line of 17 is exceedingly terse. Vilava is Arjuna. Before performing any rite or act of a grave nature, Hindus are required to touch water or perform what is called the 'achamana'. A little quantity of water is taken on the palm of the right hand, and with it are touched the lips, the nostrils, the ears, and the eyes. The abode of Vaisravana is called Alaka.