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"Esclave malheureux de la haute fortune, D'un roi trop indolent souverain absolu, Surcharge de travaux dont le soin L'importune. Bruhl, quitte des grandeurs L'embarras superflu. Au sein de ton opulence Je vois le Dieu des ennuis, Et dans ta magnificence Le repos fait tes units. "Descend de ce palais dont le superbe faite Domine sur la Saxe, s'elevent aux cieux.

On one point Browning erred; it was not a day's holiday to be spent with his wife "la Belle Aurore" which the Breton sailor petitioned for as the reward of his service, but a "congé absolu," the holiday of a life-time.

Sheik Jabias thus sums up his impressions after visiting the Cid in his camp: Vous dominiez tout, grand, sans chef, sans joug, sans digue, Absolu, lance au poing, panache, au front.... And that Cid had never fought up in the air. To quote him once more, Sheik Jabias, after being dazzled by the Cid in his camp, is supposed to see him in his father's castle at Bivar, doing more humble work.

According to the latter, the whole universe is an "organisme absolu" constantly endowed with life, and giving expression to it in all conceivable directions.

Racine's "Esther" in the noble lines lauded by Voltaire might be almost rebuking Mr. Wells: Ce Dieu, maître absolu de la terre et des cieux, N'est point tel que l'erreur le figure

M. de Gasparin, in the early Empire, was a Liberal, an anti-Radical, an opponent of negro slavery, a Christian, an energetic honest man, absolu et ardent, as he confesses.