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"Come, come," interrupted a third, "do not let us judge uncharitably; the fact may be exactly as the lady relates it, though I MUST say, that gentlemen of Abellino's profession are not usually so pretty-behaved, and that this is the first time I ever heard of a bravo in the Platonics."

Oh yes; and the girl seemed greatly delighted at the idea. And again he cheered up a bit, and returned to the assembly room, and did his best to amuse Monsieur Griffard. They were handing round the tea, and the Countess X had just begun to sing the "Casta Diva," when Abellino's lackey sidled up to his master and whispered in his ear "I have just seen Miss Fanny Meyer descending from a carriage."

But though Abellino's interference had preserved her life, it was doubted much whether this adventure would be at all relished by her destined bridegroom, the Prince of Monaldeschi, a Neapolitan of the first rank, possessed of immense wealth and extensive influence.

The moment that I became acquainted with him, I prophesied that one day or other he would play a brilliant part in the annals of history. Another Senator. I think with you, signor. Never was I so struck with a man at first sight as I was with Flodoardo. Contarino. A thousand sequins on Abellino's not being taken, unless death should have taken him first. The First Senator.

Falieri. Is Abellino already in this palace? Flodoardo. He is. Vitalba. Then why do you not produce him? Why do you trifle so long with our impatience? Flodoardo. Be patient. It's now time that the play should begin. Be seated, noble Andreas. Let all the rest arrange themselves behind the Doge. Abellino's coming!

The senator Vitalba began to tremble for his thousand sequins, and the conspirators could not restrain their spiteful laughter, when Contarino gravely declared that he would gladly lose, not ONE thousand sequins, but twenty, if the loss of his wager through Abellino's being captured might but secure the general safety of the Republic. "Hark!" cried Rosabella, "the clock strikes five!"

Rashness, my lord? He who has lived as I have lived, and suffered what I have suffered, must have been long since cured of rashness. Yet be not too confident of your own strength, I beseech you! Dear Flodoardo, my uncle loves you, and his advice is wise! Beware of Abellino's dagger! Flodoardo.

The three dangerous companions again whispered among themselves for a few moments, after which they returned their daggers into the sheath. "Come on, then," said one of them, "follow us to our home. It were unwise to talk over certain matters in the open streets." "I follow you," was Abellino's answer, "but tremble should any one of you dare to treat me as a foe.

On the following day a whole host of managers, cashiers, scribes, shepherds, tenants, and other small fry, arrived to recommend themselves to Abellino's favour. The moments of their old master, they said, were most assuredly numbered. None of them could promise him so much as another day of life.

"But I know exactly what happened to Abellino when he forced six hundred florins into the girl's hand, and the manner in which she flung them back in his face was equivalent, among friends, to at least three boxes on the ears. I remember it well, because it led to a duel, and I was one of the seconds of Abellino's opponent." "Ah ça, that's true!