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We'll get ashore, now." They landed. "Now, Huck, where we're a-standing you could touch that hole I got out of with a fishing-pole. See if you can find it." Huck searched all the place about, and found nothing. Tom proudly marched into a thick clump of sumach bushes and said: "Here you are! Look at it, Huck; it's the snuggest hole in this country. You just keep mum about it.

'And there's his very self a-standing at the gate a-counting how many times the hammer falls a minute, and how much gold is a-coming from every blow as it falls. With this little observation as to Mr. Crinkett's personal character, the miner made his way back to his companions. Polyeuka Hall

"Well, sir, perhaps you may remember and if you don't, I do how you helped my husband in that dreadful year 1825. I shall never forget that act of yours, Dr. Midleton, and I'd stick up for you if Mrs. Bingham and Mrs. Harrop and Mrs. Cobb and Miss Tarrant were to swear against you and you a-standing in the dock.

"Here he were, hevving his tea that night, looking that down sad, that a bad tater was nowt to him; next thing is as we hears him go out o' the door that there door just behind wheer you're a-standing, Mr Ellis, sir, and he didn't come back." "Didn't come back," said the bailiff, repeating the old man's words.

"/Him!/" replied George, pointing to the retreating dog-cart "/he's/ a-going to pull down the Castle and throw it into the moat and to send the plough over it, is he? /Him/ that varmint! Why, them old towers will be a-standing there when his beggarly bones is dust, and when his name ain't no more a name; and there'll be one of the old blood sitting in them too.

All I know is, that I've seed frigates a-standing in the air, as them be now, making way neyther to windart or leuart; f'r all that I didn't believe they was asleep. I kud see thar forked tails openin' and closin' jist like the blades o' a pair o' shears; and that inclined me to think they war wide awake all the time. If they was asleep, how kud they a-kep waggin' thar tails?

"Well, then, what do they guess?" "Now, look ye here, Master Fred is it fair to make me tell you, and put you in a passion; and you a-standing there with a sword by your side, and another in your hand?" "Speak, sir speak!" "Very well, sir; here goes. And if you fly in a passion, and do anything rash to me, it will only be another triumph for my brother Nat." "Will you speak, sir?"

'Well, be damned if there isn't Mis'ess Yeobright a-standing up, I said to myself. Yes, neighbours, though I was in the temple of prayer that's what I said. 'Tis against my conscience to curse and swear in company, and I hope any woman here will overlook it. Still what I did say I did say, and 'twould be a lie if I didn't own it." "So 'twould, neighbour Fairway."

"Well, sir, I don't know I think likely you'd fetch the captain of the watch may be, because he's a-standing right yonder in the way." I went below meditating and a little downhearted. I thought, if five cooks can spoil a broth, what may not five captains do with a pleasure excursion.

It aint what many men would have done," said the admiring but unlucky adherent of the suspected Curate: "he come up, seeing as she was by herself, and walked by her, and gave her a deal of good advice, and brought her home. Her aunt and me was struck all of a heap to see the clergyman a-standing at our door. 'I've brought Rosa home, he said, making believe a bit sharp.