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It's a mercy a' keppit ye, or we wud hev hed anither job for Sir George. "Ye 're a'richt noo; sit doon on the strae. A' 'll come back in a while, an' ye 'ill see Annie, juist for a meenut, but ye maunna say a word." Marget took him in and let him kneel by Annie's bedside. He said nothing then or afterward for speech came only once in his lifetime to Tammas, but Annie whispered, "Ma ain dear man."

"'He'd be mair spairin' o' his offers if he hed four and twenty mile tae look aifter. There's naethin' wrang wi' yir laddie but greed. Gie him a gud dose o' castor-oil and stop his meat for a day, an' he 'ill be a'richt the morn. "'He 'ill not take castor-oil, doctor. We have given up those barbarous medicines. "'Whatna kind o' medicines hae ye noo in the Sooth? "'Well, you see Dr.

"I have been thinking it all oot sin' I have been here, and it's richt. It's a'richt. Without shedding of blood there is no remission of sin, and you can't purge away iniquity without paying the price: I am a part of the price, Tom. The Son of God died that others might live. That's not only a fact, it is a principle. Thousands of us are dying that others may live.

Mentieth, Mrs. Campbell, and her charge, a few rumors got abroad that the little earl was "no a'richt" if an earl could be "no a' richt" which the simple folk about Loch Beg and Loch Mhor, accustomed for generations to view the Earls of Cairnforth much as the Thibetians view their Dali Lama, thought hardly possible. But what was wrong with him nobody precisely knew.

Whatever in the earl was "no a'richt," it certainly could not be his mind, for a brighter, more intelligent countenance was never seen. It quite startled the minister with the intentness of its gaze from the moment he ascended the pulpit; and though he tried not to look that way, and was very nervous, he could not get over the impression it made.

Peter attended their departure full of interest, and as soon as they were in the fir woods MacLure explained that it would be an eventful journey. "It's a'richt in here, for the wind disna get at the snow; but the drifts are deep in the Glen, and th' 'ill be some engineerin' afore we get tae oor destination."

The air reverberated with Archie fire of a peculiar and unusual intensity long before he came within striking distance of the first zone. Tam saw the angry rush of the guardian machines and turned his little Nieuport homeward. "A'richt! A'richt! What's frichtenin' ye?" he demanded indignantly, as they streaked behind his tail. "A'm no' anxious to put ma nose where it's no' wanted!"