United States or Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The financial operations of the Government during this period, based upon these differences between receipts and expenditures, resulted in a net reduction of the interest-bearing debt of the United States from $987,141,040 to $897,253,990, notwithstanding that there had been two sales of Panama Canal bonds amounting in the aggregate to $54,631,980, and an issue of three per cent certificates of indebtedness under the act of June 13, 1998, amounting to $15,436,500.

Three Armored Cruisers, DEFENSE 14,600 " WARRIOR 13,550 " BLACK PRINCE 13,350 " Eight Destroyers, TIPPERARY 1,430 " NESTOR 890 " NOMAD 890 " TURBULENT 1,100 " FORTUNE 965 " ARDENT 935 " SHARK 935 " SPARROWHAWK 935 " Total 111,980 tons

A hundred and fifty tenants on the Drapers' estate in county Derry have bought their farms from the London Company at a total of £57,980. Lord Spencer, whose political volte face is one of the wonders of the hour, does not hesitate to say that this Act has not been a success. Can he give counter figures to those quoted above? And Mr.

The actual cost for freight-locomotives per ton, per mile run, during the year ending Sept. 30, 1855, was 384/1000 of a cent; and the above 143,980 miles saved, multiplied by this fraction, amounts to $55,288 per annum.

It was proposed to re-deposit in the national banks the proceeds of these issues, and to permit their use as a basis for additional circulating notes of national banks. The moral effect of this procedure was so great that it was necessary to issue only $24,631,980 of the Panama Canal bonds and $15,436,500 of the certificates of indebtedness.

The railway from Boston to Albany may be divided into four sections, of which the several lengths and corresponding maximum grades are as tabulated. And the saving of miles run is therefore 660 less 200, or 460; and if 500 tons pass over the road daily, the annual saving of mileage becomes 460 by 313, or 143,980, or 70 per cent. of the whole.

The other 84 monarchs had filled up the remaining space of 28,980 years their reigns thus averaging 345 years apiece.

The official figures for 1913-14 are: British army $224,300,000 British navy 224,140,000 German army 183,090,00 German navy 111,300,000 French army 191,431,580 French navy 119,571,400 Russian army 317,800,000 Russian navy 122,500,000 Austrian army 82,300,000 Austrian navy 42,000,000 Total $1,618,432,980

For some, the next night would bring the quiet "bivouac of the dead." The strength of the Fifth Corps was as follows: First Division, General Griffin, 6,180 Second Division, General Ayer, 3,980 Third Division, General Crawford, 5,250 Total, 15,410 The artillery consisted of twenty guns, and there was an escort of forty cavalry.

A system of compulsion, to be used in default of volunteering, was brought into effect half-way through the war. Under this system there were in arms at the end of the war 980,000 white Northern soldiers, who probably stood to the population at that time in as high a proportion as 1 to 25, and everything was in readiness for calling up a vastly greater number if necessary.