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The calcium in a sample of dolomite weighing 0.9380 gram is precipitated as calcium oxalate and ignited to calcium oxide. What volume of gas, measured over water at 20°C. and 765 mm. pressure, is given off during ignition, if the resulting oxide weighs 0.2606 gram? !Answer!: 227 cc.

January 2004: 25 languages. July 2005: 42 languages. December 2006: 50 languages. April 2008: 55 languages. = Main Languages = Downloads From ibiblio.org *ibiblio.org is the main downloading site. The downloads of mirror sites are not included here. July 31, 2005: 37,532 files downloaded in the day; 243,808 files downloaded in the week; 1,154,765 files downloaded in the month.

In a Letter to his brother William Grotius, dated April 23, 1623, "Whilst I am now writing this, says he, I receive the melancholy news of the President Jeannin's death: it is a great loss to good men, to the King's business, and to me in particular." Ep. 156. Ep. 171. Ep. 165. Ep. 29. p. 763. Ep. 175 p. 65. Ep. 32. p. 764. Ep. 37. p. 765. Ep. 158. p. 60.

The list of minerals alone, raised from mines in working, amounts to twenty-two, ranging from gold and silver, copper, tin, zinc, quick-silver, salt, coal, etc., to cobalt and antimony; and 8,313,218 tons of minerals of all these twenty-two classes were raised in 1882 against 1,201,054 in 1862. The value of imports in 1882 was 816,666,901 pesetas, and of exports 765,376,087 pesetas.

It ought, however, to be observed, that the above aggregated sum is more or less liable to deficiencies, according to the greater or lesser degree of punctuality on the part of the sub-collectors in making up accounts, and the solidity of their respective sureties; the failure of this kind experienced by the revenue being so frequent, that, according to the returns of the accountant-general, those which occurred between the years 1762 and 1809, were no less than $215,765 notwithstanding the great precautions at all times taken to prevent such considerable injuries, by every means compatible with the precarious tenure of property possessed by both principals and sureties in this country.

Thirteen hundred and seventy majority." And then there burst out wild cheers and the crowd broke into a myriad little waves like a choppy sea. Men danced and shouted and clapped each other on the back, and the tall facade of the street opposite the hall was a-flutter. Suddenly the white patch leaped into an illumination proclaiming the figures. Savelli 6,135. Finn 4,765.

* Acts and Monuments vol v., p 765; Cattley's ed. By Foxe's own showing, when brought before the bishops, the "marytrs" frequently twitted their judges, gave them homethrusts and "privy nips," and behaved themselves generally in a very provocative and irritating manner.

An exposition of the fiscal affairs of the Government and of their condition for the past year will be made to you by the Secretary of the Treasury. The available balance in the Treasury on the 1st of January next is estimated at $2,765,342. The receipts of the year from customs and lands will probably amount to $20,615,598.

The bank transacts the government business in connection with the British public debt of about $3,850,000,000, all in registered stock, and requiring two hundred and fifty thousand separate accounts to be kept. Its deposits aggregate at least $130,000,000, and its capital is $72,765,000.

In the last year of the seventeenth century, according to the same official authority, there was exported to England from all parts, 6,788,166l.: of this sum, our woollen manufactures were to the value of 2,932,292l.; so that there was an increase of our exports since 1662, of 4,765,534l.