United States or Maldives ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Then there was the mamei, a fruit as large as a water-melon, very nice, fresh, and not to be despised when preserved. Then there were several sorts of pine apples, and a variety of melons. Indeed, the climate of this region is especially favourable to the production of fruit, as the thermometer seldom falls below 68 degrees, and never rises much above 76 degrees.

There was an opposing candidate, some of whose friends published a statement that in the nine years during which the justice had already served he had written opinions in 68 railroad and street railway cases of which 51 were in favor of the companies.

SUFFRAGE, POLITICAL CONDITION, INDUSTRIAL AND PROFESSIONAL STATUS: No suffrage. 33 women in the ministry, 2 dentists, 37 journalists, 6 lawyers, 43 doctors, 4 professors, 2 saloon keepers, 4 bankers, 9 commercial travellers, 10 carpenters, etc. Idaho POPULATION: Male 93,367; female 68,405. HUSBAND AND WIFE: Husband controls wife's earnings.

The gamma, Γ, or Greek letter G, is said to have been sacred among the Pythagoreans as the initial of Γεωμειρία or Geometry. Vide Oliver, Hist. Init. p. 68, note.

The United States, whose crew numbered 478, had 5 killed and 7 wounded, while the 297 of the Macedonian lost 36 killed and 68 wounded. So it was that the old friends settled the question over which they had argued many times.

In the meantime Henry George, whose "Progress and Poverty" had made a profound impression upon public thought, had become in 1886 a candidate for mayor of New York City, and polled the phenomenal total of 68,110 votes, while Theodore Roosevelt, the Republican candidate, received 60,485, and Abram S. Hewitt, the successful Democratic candidate, polled 90,552.

In September several radar sites in the London area picked up unidentified targets streaking across the city at altitudes of from 44,000 to 68,000 feet. The crews who saw the targets said, "Not weather," and some of these crews had been through the bloody Battle of Britain. They knew their radar.

Both men and officers suffered severely; most had blue spectacles, but by the time the whole column had got over there were 68 cases of snow-blindness and 43 of frost.

FATS. Digestible. 3.8 Undigestible. CARBOHYDRATES. Digestible. 68.7 Undigestible. 2.3 *Rice. PROTEIN. Digestible. 6.2 Undigestible. 1.2 FATS. Digestible. 0.4 Undigestible. CARBOHYDRATES. Digestible. 78.7 Undigestible. 0.7 *Potatoes. PROTEIN. Digestible. 1.5 Undigestible. 0.5 FATS. Digestible. 0.2 Undigestible. CARBOHYDRATES. Digestible. 19.7 Undigestible. 1.6 *Turnips.

At 8 a.m. took two Setts of Observations of the sun and moon; the first gave 68 degrees 15 minutes; the second, 68 degrees 9 minutes; the Mean of the 2 is 68 degrees 12 minutes West.