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This account shows that France employs 82,510 tons, and Great Britain 66,582 tons, of American shipping; leaving in favour of France, an excess of 15,928, instead of 72,830 tons, as reported by the secretary of state. From this comparative view taken of the regulations of the two nations, Mr.

The value of these imports amounted in 1868 to $182,522; of which $150,000 were for English cotton stuffs. The entire imports of the island were estimated at $1,243,582, and the exports at $226,898. Among the importations were twenty chests of images, a sign of the deeply-rooted worship of the Virgin.

It rests on a reddish, sandy, sloping plain, on which were occasionally noticed fragments of quartz and ironstone, which latter formation is the character of Mount Fairfax, and apparently of the neighbouring heights. Having completed our observations, which place Mount Fairfax 582 feet above the level of the sea, we continued our journey to the south-east, in the direction of Wizard Peak.

And of the patrol's limitations: "A judicious freedom in the administration of our police laws for the lower order must always have respect for the confidence which the law reposes in the discretion of the master." Hale, in Hawks, North Carolina Reports, V, 582. Boozer et al., in Strobhart, South Carolina Law Reports, V, 21.

There is an excellent school attached to the church, which is equally open to all denominations of Christians, and is, I have understood, more numerously attended than any other in the capital. The total number of Sunday-schools in the province, in 1841, was 26, at which 617 boys and 582 girls attended.

For example, the outermost of the four satellites of Jupiter revolves round his body at the distance of 1,180,582 miles, shewing that the planet was once 3,675,501 miles in circumference, instead of being, as now, only 89,170 miles in diameter.

In the report for 1843, we see that in ninety-two houses, built to contain 78,160, in which relief had been administered from the 10th January 1844, the average number of inmates was 31,578, and the gross number to whom relief had been afforded during the year, was 53,582.

The following table gives the official records in the five leading Grange states: ========================================================= | 1900 | 1905 | | Granges | Members | Granges | Members | New York | 550 | 43,000 | 582 | 66,500 Maine | 275 | 29,000 | 387 | 49,000 Michigan | 420 | 25,000 | 731 | 45,000 Pennsylvania | 526 | 20,000 | 560 | 34,000 New Hampshire| 260 | 24,000 | 263 | 28,000

The latest report of the New York Bureau of Statistics of Labor shows that of 8,040 persons who registered for employment in New York city, 6,458 were men, and 1,582 were women. Of these, the foreign-born numbered 4,804, of whom 3,674 were men and 1,140 were women. The native-born numbered 3,234, of whom 2,796 were men, and 442 were women.

Amount of Donation from Government was 100 00 00 Amount of Subscriptions of the Colonists 582 04 09 Sale of the Drays and part of the Equipment 28 00 00 Amount paid by myself 680 15 10 Total 1391 00 07 In addition to this expenditure, considerable as it was, there were very many things obtained from various sources, which though of great value did not come into the outlay already noted.