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It was an ordinary hotel room, but well- furnished. Fortunately it was unoccupied. Quietly Craig went to the door which led to the next room. It was, of course, locked also. He listened a moment carefully. Not a sound. Quickly, with an exclamation of satisfaction, he opened that door also and went into 509. This room was much like that in which we had already been. He opened the hall door.

Steele, in No. 509 of the "Spectator" ascribed to him the origin of the proverbial phrase, Hobson's Choice. I say, Mr.

The year 1843 was named by O'Connell the Repeal year; the people were filled with the hope of soon seeing a parliament in College Green, and to this fact may probably, be attributed the great falling off in emigration; the number for that year being only 37,509. It increased in 1844 to 54,289; and in 1845 the eve of the Famine, to 74,969 persons.

"You can do that without exciting suspicion. Go with her to her hotel and hand her over the money." "All right I'll do it," she agreed. "What is the hotel?" Craig wrote on a slip of paper what she told him "Room 509, Hotel La Coste." "Good I'm glad you called me. Count on me," he finished as he hung up the receiver. Hastily he threw on his street coat.

The spoil was of enormous value, comprising 177,537 lbs. of silver, 135 lbs. of gold, 37,375 hides, 2270 chests of indigo, besides cochineal, logwood, sugar, spices and precious stones. It brought 11,509,524 fl. into the coffers of the company, and a dividend of 50 per cent, was paid to the shareholders.

Captain James Sinkler from a crop of three hundred acres on his plantation, "Belvedere," in 1794 gathered 216 pounds to the acre, which at prices ranging from fifty to seventy-five cents a pound brought him a gross return of $509 per laborer employed. Peter Gaillard of St. John's Berkeley received for his crop of the same year an average of $340 per hand; and William Brisbane of St.

The poet hearing of Messalla's remarkable exploit at Philippi saw at once that his association with Brutus would remind every Roman of the events of 509 B.C., and that the populace would as a matter of course acclaim the young hero by the ancient cognomen "Publicola."

Darius at last came to the place; to his dismay he found the bridge demolished. He bade an Egyptian Stentor summon Histiaeus, the Greek commandant, who brought up the fleet and saved the Persian host which retired into Asia. In 509 a second expedition was dispatched against Barca, a colony of Cyrene.

See also "Fragmens Philosophiques," Preface, second edition, p. XXVII.; "Nouveaux Fragments," pp. 9, 160. M. AD. FRANCK, "De la Certitude," Preface, p. M. A. JAVARI, "De la Certitude," p. 509. AMAND SAINTES, "Histoire de la Vie et des Ouvrages de Spinoza," pp. 208, 210. ABBÉ MARET, "Essai sur le Panthéisme dans les Sociétés Modernes," pp. 6, 11, 31.

It would seem that Olive Schreiner's "For the present we take all labor for our province" is very nearly a bare statement of attested fact. The Census report includes 509 closely classified occupations. Women are found in all but 43.