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18 June 1912 Talk at 309 West Seventy-eighth Street, New York No matter how much the world of humanity advances in material civilization, it is nevertheless in need of the spiritual development mentioned in the Gospel. The virtues of the material world are limited, whereas divine virtues are unlimited.

Ibid., 309. Cal. St. P., Dom., 1671, 105, 171. We have two accounts of this affair: Strange and Wonderful News from Yowell in Surry , and An Account of the Tryal and Examination of Joan Buts . Roger North, op. cit., 131-132. York Depositions, 247. York Depositions, 112, 113. Drage, Daimonomageia, 12. For an account of her case, see Glanvill, Sadducismus Triumphatus, pt. ii, 127-146.

In the previous year, he showed, Lord Castlereagh, "the bell-wether of the House of Commons," and thirteen other persons, had drawn from the revenues of the country 309,861l., and out of that amount had given back, in "sinecure soup," only 1505l.

The public lands disposed of during the year amount to 13,453,887.96 acres, including 62,423.09 acres of Indian lands, an increase Of 4,271,474.80 over the preceding year. The total receipts from the sale of public lands during the fiscal year were $4,379,758.10, an increase of $1,309,620.76 over the preceding year.

17 June 1912 Talk at 309 West Seventy-eighth Street, New York We should all visit the sick. When they are in sorrow and suffering, it is a real help and benefit to have a friend come. Happiness is a great healer to those who are ill. In the East it is the custom to call upon the patient often and meet him individually.

309 To-night there is a stir among the palm leaves, a swell in the sea, Full Moon, like the heart throb of the world. From what unknown sky hast thou carried in thy silence the aching secret of love? 310 I dream of a star, an island of light, where I shall be born and in the depth of its quickening leisure my life will ripen its works like the ricefield in the autumn sun.

For the journey, see Corr., iv. 307; Burton, ii. 304. Letter to a Member of the National Assembly. The same passage contains some strong criticism on Rousseau's style. Burton, 304, 309, 310. Ib. ii. 309, n. Mr. Howitt has given an account of Rousseau's quarters at Wootton, in his Visits to Remarkable Places. One or two aged peasants had some confused memory of "old Ross-hall."

Huntington, lib. 2. p. 309. Ethelwerd. But Hengist and Horsa perceiving, from their easy victory over the Scots and Picts, with what facility they might subdue the Britons themselves, who had not been able to resist those feeble invaders, were determined to conquer and fight for their own grandeur, not for the defence of their degenerate allies.

The second batch of volunteers, those who responded to the Brunswick proclamation and the summons of September, when the country was in danger, were not equal to the first. The two together supplied 309,000 men. At the beginning of the general war, in March 1793, the Conscription was instituted, which provoked the rising in Vendée, and was interrupted by troubles in other departments.

20 June 1912 Talk at 309 West Seventy-eighth Street, New York I am about to leave the city for a few days rest at Montclair. When I return, it is my wish to give a large feast of unity. A place for it has not yet been found. It must be outdoors under the trees, in some location away from city noiselike a Persian garden. The food will be Persian food.