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The Germans continued to bombard the Woevre front, but did not attempt to attack as the French artillery held them to their trenches. During the day the Germans, who had been hemmed in at Samogneux, after repeated struggles to debouch from that place, succeeded when night came in capturing Hill 304.

About one man in ten of all those who enlisted in the late war are reported as receiving pensions, exclusive of the dependents of deceased soldiers. On the 1st of July, 1875, the number of pensioners was 234,821, and the increase within the ten years next thereafter was 110,304.

Compare R.F. Kaindl, Die Deutschen in den Karpathenländern, i. 178, 293; ii. 304; he does not, however, deal with the actual plans. I have to thank the late Sir Alfred Lyall for a sight of a survey made by English engineers in 1839. But in growing, the old town-planning has passed into a new stage. The Romans dealt with small areas, seldom more than three hundred acres and often very much less.

On this date also the French carried out successful raids during the night on the Verdun front in the neighborhood of the famous Hill 304, and another in the Argonne which resulted in the destruction of enemy works and the capture of a number of prisoners.

Their casualties took place after the position was stormed and on their retreat along the peninsula, and amounted in all to 145 killed and captured and 304 wounded. It may be said that both sides fought well; but, from the circumstances under which they fought, the highest credit is due to the victors.

Captains' Letters, U.S. Navy Department MSS. Jan. 11, 1808. Thomas Barclay's Correspondence, p. 274. Author's italics. N.Y. Evening Post, Sept. 1, 1808. Cobbett's Parliamentary Debates, vol. xii. p. 326. Life of Sir William Parker, vol. i. p. 304. Barlow to Bassano, Nov. 10, 1811. U.S. State Department MSS. N.Y. Evening Post, Feb. 18, June 30, 1808; Feb. 24, 1809. Senator White of Delaware.

The German attacks having failed everywhere, Hill 304 was subjected to continuous and violent bombardment. In the afternoon of the 7th they attacked again. With the exception of a strip of trench east of the hill, which was retaken the following night, they did not register any advance.

303 Q. Is there any other means of obtaining God's grace than the Sacraments? A. There is another means of obtaining God's grace, and it is prayer. 304 Q. What is prayer? A. Prayer is the lifting up of our minds and hearts to God to adore Him, to thank Him for His benefits, to ask His forgiveness, and to beg of Him all the graces we need whether for soul or body.

Two generations later, with Samas-ditana the First dynasty of Babylon came to an end. It had made Babylon the capital of the country a position which it never subsequently lost. It had raised Bel-Merodach, the god of Babylon, to the head of the pantheon, and it had lasted for 304 years.

At first the Germans put these down with regularity, but at last the effort began to tell. The French made headway. Much of the lost ground was recovered. The French moved forward a bit day by day, occupied new positions and consolidated them. It was terrible work, but the French persevered. Around Hill No. 304 and Dead Man's Hill the fighting was especially severe.