United States or Togo ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The next morning we started polling. I had the honour of giving the first vote, and at four o'clock the poll was decided in our favour Walker, 301; Grundy, 151. The next day I returned from Manchester, and had not been in the mill two hours before I was summoned to assist in quelling a riot. I rode down immediately with three other gentlemen and a magistrate to the scene of faction.

This expression, which then recurred every moment in speeches and memorials, and which at present is so apt to excite laughter in the reader, begat at that time the deepest and most real consternation throughout the kingdom. A letter was pretended to be intercepted, and was communicated to the committee, who pretended to lay great stress upon it. * Rush. vol. v. p. 479. Clarendon, vol. ii. p. 301.

To replace the Regent destroyed in the terrible way above described, the king built a ship at Erith in 1515, and called her the Henri Grace de Dieu. She was of 1000 tons burden, and manned with 301 mariners, 50 gunners, and 349 soldiers.

Cromwell received these honours with an air of profound humility. He was aware of the necessity of covering the workings of ambition within his breast with the veil of exterior self-abasement; and therefore professed to take no merit to himself, and to see nothing in what he had done, but the hand of the Almighty, fighting in behalf of his faithful servants. Ludlow, i. 372. Heath, 301.

A few decayed leaves had been placed under them, but nothing else in the way of lining. A third egg had been added in the interim. There can hardly be any doubt of the truth of the foregoing facts." Bendire, Life Histories of North American Birds, 1892, p. 301. Separation of females while brooding.

The feature of Cuba's Constitution that is of greatest interest and importance to the United States is what is known as the Platt Amendment. The provision for a Constitutional Convention in Cuba was made in what was known as Civil Order No. 301, issued by the Military Governor, on July 25, 1900. It provided for an election of delegates to meet in Havana on the first Monday in November, following.

+301+. The character assigned to images varies with stages of culture. In low communities they are themselves divine the gods have entered into them and they are not thought of as different from their divine indwellers. In such cases they are sometimes chained to prevent their getting away; if they are obstinate, not listening to prayers, they are cuffed, scourged, or reviled.

The fanlight is of simple but pleasing pattern, and the eight-panel door is of characteristic design. At Number 301 South Seventh Street the doorway itself strongly resembles that of the Powel house, except that it is higher, narrower and rather lighter in scale.

A religious census made in 1894 showed that of approximately 3,000 students, 2,500 were church members or church adherents, and that 301 students had become clergymen or missionaries. A similar census of the men in 1919 showed that of a total of 5,804, 3,501 were church members, while 943 others expressed some church preference. This included all forms of belief.

You're up in the Aleutians. I make out. 20 A. what's that?" "Old government telegraph wire line abandoned finest drawn-copper wire. I've had three boys at that for months." "What's 301? This here, off the Mexican coast?" The President, unable to remember, turned to his one clerk: "Hyers, what's 301? Isn't that Peterson?" The clerk ran his finger down a column: "No, sir; 301 is the Whisky Ship."