United States or Wallis and Futuna ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

It is as easy for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, as for a man to pass through this door with the world on his back. Vol. i., p. 13. Vol. i., p. 13. Holy War, vol. iii., p. 342, 346. Bunyan on the Throne of Grace, vol. i., p. 677. Vol. i., p. 80. Holy War, vol. iii., p. 297. Vol. i., p. 14. Vol. iii., p. 123. Addison. Vol. i., p. 14. April 1645.

It will be seen by a tabular statement annexed to the documents transmitted to Congress that the appropriations for objects connected with the War Department, made at the last session, for the service of the year 1834, excluding the permanent appropriation for the payment of military gratuities under the act of June 7th, 1832, the appropriation of $200,000 for arming and equipping the militia, and the appropriation of $10,000 for the civilization of the Indians, which are not annually renewed, amounted to the sum of $9,003,261, and that the estimates of appropriations necessary for the same branches of service for the year 1835 amount to the sum of $5,778,964, making a difference in the appropriations of the current year over the estimates of the appropriations for the next of $3,224,297.

The volume of shipments of food and merchandise down the Mississippi was larger than ever and the manufacturing population of the East, already too large to be fed by the agricultural produce of New England, New York and Pennsylvania, was beginning to draw subsistence from the western farms. F. J. Turner, Rise of the New West, p. 297.

Above, pp. 108, 109, 116, 118 sq., 121, 148, 154, 156, 157, 159, 160, 170, 171, 174, 175, 176, 180, 183, 185, 188, 232 sq., 245, 252, 253, 280, 292, 293, 295, 297. For more evidence of the use of fire to burn or expel witches on certain days of the year, see The Scapegoat pp. 158 sqq. Less often the fires are thought to burn or repel evil spirits and vampyres.

At a time when the country was suffering almost unheard of commercial depression, the sum of £297,500 was raised, to be apportioned between Foreign Missions, the Extension of Methodism in Great Britain, Education, Home Missions, Methodism in Scotland, the Sunday-school Union, a new Theological College, the "Children's Home," the Welsh and German chapels in London, a chapel at Oxford, the relief of necessitous local preachers, and the promotion of temperance.

The legs have been cut down to suit the height of one of his successors in the ministry!! With regard to the pulpit, an old resident in Bedford says The celebrated John Howard presented a new pulpit in the room of the old one, which was cut up. Of part of the wood a table was made, which now belongs to Mrs. Hillyerd. Vol. iii., p. 297. Vol. i., p. 714. Vol. i., p. 686. Vol. i., pp. 690, 691.

In the world there are infernal marriages between persons who interiorly are the most inveterate enemies, and exteriorly are as the closest friends, n. 292. ON BETROTHINGS AND NUPTIALS, n. 295-314. The right of choice belongs to the man, and not to the woman, n. 296. The man ought to court and intreat the woman respecting marriage with him, and not the woman the man, n. 297.

Gower is buried here, Fletcher and Messenger too; and not long since the bones of Bishop Andrews chapels for the New London Bridge approach. See also Mirror, vol. xvi. p. 297.

Scholarship: a priesthood, 137; docility of, 289. School-teaching, 297. Schopenhauer, Arthur: his pessimism, 286; idea of a philosopher, 359. Science: growth of, 148; Emerson inaccurate in, 256; attitude toward, 401, 402. Scipio, 184. Scotland: Carlyle's haunts, 79; notabilities, 195, 196; Presbyterian, 409.

Do. have left Bristol 10 do. 4 do. 14 Do. have left us, but are still in Bristol 11 do. 4 do. 15 So that there are at present in communion with us 297: 143 at Bethesda, and 154 at Gideon. As it regards the way in which the Lord, in His faithful love, supplied my temporal wants, during the past year, I mention that I received