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Diocletian thought it necessary to increase the number of his colleagues in order to face the attacks in the various quarters. On the 1st of March, 292, or 291, according to some chronologists, he appointed Galerius as Cæsar, and presented him to the troops at Nicomedia. At the same time Maximianus adopted on his part Constantius called Chlorus.

BOSWELL. 'Blackstone says: From these loose authorities, which Fitzherbert does not hesitate to reject as being contrary to reason, the maxim that a man shall not stultify himself hath been handed down as settled law; though later opinions, feeling the inconvenience of the rule, have in many points endeavoured to restrain it. Ib. p. 292.

London 560 84,882 10,065 Bristol 165 17,338 2,359 Yarmouth 143 9,914 668 Exeter 121 7,107 978 Hull 115 7,564 187 Whitby 110 8,292 571 Liverpool 102 8,619 1,101 Scarborough 100 6,860 606

Seward's Works, new edition, 1884, iv. 292. But Seward ranked among the extremists and the agitators. See Lincoln and Douglas Deb. 244. After all, the idea had already found expression in the Richmond Enquirer, May 6, 1856, quoted by von Hoist, vi. 299, also referred to by Lincoln; see Lincoln and Douglas Deb. 262. Letter to Hon. Geo.

And in A.C. 292 Diocletian followed this up by conferring the inferior position and title of Caesar upon Galerius and Constantius Chlorus. In A.C. 305 Diocletian relinquished power altogether, forcing Maximian to abdicate with him; Galerius and Constantius Chlorus thus obtaining the coveted title of Augustus, and sharing the supreme power.

Tiridates, within a year of his invasion, was complete master of the entire Armenian highland, and was in a position to carry his arms beyond his own frontiers. Such seems to have been the position of things, when Varahran II. suddenly died, after a reign of seventeen years,52 A.D. 292.

Life and Letters, i. p. 16. Darwin's reverence for his father "was boundless and most touching. Ibid., i. p. 38. Life and Letters, ii. p. 14. Origin of Species, pp. 117, 118. Ibid., p. 180. Contemporary Review, December, 1875, pp. 89, 93. Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication, i. 292. Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication, i. 299-301.

Between 1933 and 1940 these past seven fiscal years your government will have spent $1,292,000,000 more than it spent on the Army the previous seven years. What did we get for this money? The personnel of the Army, as I have said, has been almost doubled. And by the end of this year every existing unit of the present regular Army will be equipped with its complete requirements of modern weapons.

In consequence of these repeated and heavy disasters, orders were given by the court of Spain, that a body of two thousand regular troops should be continually maintained on the Araucanian frontier; for the support of which force, an annual appropriation of 292,279 dollars was made from the royal treasury of Peru.

Essay on the 'Independency of Parliament. Fragment, p. 292. Ibid. p. 276. Miscellaneous Works, p. 170. Miscellaneous Works, p. 173. Miscellaneous Works, p. 138. Miscellaneous Works, pp. 135-40. Miscellaneous Works, p. 158, and see pp. 143-47. Ibid. p. 128. Miscellaneous Works, p. 146. Miscellaneous Works, p. 183. A full analysis of this article is in Bain's James Mill, pp. 265-75.