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In many cases, too, it should be remembered, the choice of flowers for dedication to certain saints originated either in their medical virtues or in some old tradition which was supposed to have specially singled them out for this honour. Sanscrit for lotus. Hindu poem, translated by Sir William Jones. "Flower-lore," p. 118. Folkard's "Plant Legends," p. 245. "Flower-lore," p. 120.

For Burke's Economical Reform Bill, which was brought in on Feb. 11, 1780, see Prior's Burke, p.184. For Blue Stocking, see ante, iv. 108. The 'tall friend of ours' was Mr. For Franklin's definition, see ante, iii. 245, and for Burke's classical pun, ib. p. 323. For Burke's 'talent of wit, see ante, i. 453, iii. 323, iv. May 15, 1784, and post, Sept. 15. See ante, vol. iv, May 15, 1784.

The national agents either did not reply to him, or did it vaguely, or stated that in their districts there was neither civic donation nor revolutionary tax, and particularly at Marseilles, where a forced loan had been made of four millions. Cf. De Martel, "Fouche," P.245. Ibid., 217. Report of Representative Becker.

The receipts of the Government from all sources for the last fiscal year were $333,738,204, and expenditures on all accounts $290,345,245, thus showing an excess of receipts over expenditures of $43,392,959. But it is not probable that this favorable exhibit will be shown for the present fiscal year.

About 200 wagons, a great part of the baggage, military stores, small arms, and all the artillery fell into the hands of the conquerors. This decisive victory cost the British only 80 men killed and 245 wounded. Eight hundred or 900 of the Americans were killed or wounded, and about 1,000 taken prisoners.

Their antagonists butchered them in droves, while those who escaped the sword were hurled into the river. Seven Spaniards were killed, and seven thousand rebels. Correspondanee du Duc d'Albe, 158. The same letter is published in Igor, iv. 245, 246.

The reclamation and flood control projects which I am recommending for the fiscal year 1947 will involve capital outlays of approximately 319 million dollars as compared with 245 million dollars in the fiscal year 1946.

Whitelock, 245, 246. votes were suggested calculated to remove the objections of the army, when the alarm of the Presbyterian leaders was raised to the highest pitch by the arrival of unexpected tidings from Holmby. Holles, 92. Journals, 207, 222, 226-228. Commons', May 14, 21, 25, 28, June 1, 4, 5.

Translated by MARY L. BOOTH, Translator of Count de Gasparin's work on America, etc. Fourth thousand. Boston: Walker, Wise & Co., 245 Washington street. 1864. A remarkable book, indicative of a new era in the discussion of social, religious, political, and economical questions.

Was taken by an English cruiser into Yarmouth and there cleared. N.Y. Evening Post, March 24, 1808. Letter of John Quincy Adams to Harrison Gray Otis. American State Papers, Foreign Relations, vol. iii. p. 245. Author's italics. Correspondence of Thomas Barclay, p. 272. American State Papers, Foreign Relations, vol. iii. p. 206. "We expected, too, some effect from coercion of interest."