United States or Belgium ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

After all, you have the satisfaction of knowing that your enterprises were sound even if other people disagreed with you." "If this was 1819 instead of 1919 I'd own Chicago," began Doc, a gleam appearing in his eye. "But they don't want to upset the status quo that's why I haven't got a fair chance. But they needn't worry!

"No German success on land," declares the conservative British Annual Register for 1919, "could have ruined or even very gravely injured the English-speaking powers. The success of the submarine campaign, on the other hand, would have left the United States isolated and have placed the Berlin Government in a position to dominate most of the rest of the world."

The question on the lips of all the tennis players was whether the stars of pre-War days would return to their former greatness. The Championship of the World for 1919 at Wimbledon was anxiously awaited. Who would stand forth as the shining light of that meeting?

The following year the United States was at war and he naturally could not desert his post; but in 1919 Mr. Lansing was given another opportunity, and still he was obdurate. He has told us in his public confession that he tried to persuade the President not to go to Paris. Mr. Wilson, as usual, remained unpersuaded, and Mr. Lansing humbly followed in his train. Then, of course, Mr.

The Ford production has not reflected good times or bad times; it has kept right on regardless of conditions excepting from 1917 to 1919, when the factory was turned over to war work. The year 1912-1913 was supposed to be a dull one; although now some call it "normal"; we all but doubled our sales; 1913-1914 was dull; we increased our sales by more than a third.

And when those of us who went to Poland for him in January, 1919, to find out the exact condition and the actual food needs of the twenty-five million freed people there, made our report to him, a single unpremeditated sentence in this report seemed most to catch his eyes and hold his attention.

If in hungry Moscow in the summer of 1919 hungry workmen who have lived through the difficult four years of the Imperialistic war, and then the year and a half of the still more difficult civil war, have been able to begin this great work, what will not be its further development when we conquer in the civil war and win peace."

Your Excellency must realise that in New England, in New York, in New Jersey, you would be dealing with irreconcilable hatred." "Nothing is irreconcilable. Look at Belgium. They hated us in 1915, did they not? But sixty-five percent of them accepted German citizenship when we offered it to them after the peace in 1919, and they have been a well-behaved German province ever since."

Pistorius 6,250,000,000 1919. This may also be the case with some of the other estimates. I have made no deduction for securities in the ownership of Alsace-Lorrainers and others who have now ceased to be German nationals. In all these estimates, I am conscious of being driven by a fear of overstating the case against the Treaty, of giving figures in excess of my own real judgment.

F. S. Streeter of Concord, Miss Charlotte Rowe and two Senators for the opponents. The Senate ratified by 14 to 10 and Governor Bartlett signed the bill without delay. The last meeting of the State Association, its work accomplished, took place in Manchester, November 21, 22, 1919. Mrs.