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Those who speak for glory or philanthropy are always in demand for college commencements and Fourth of July orations, hence much of Miss Anthony's eloquence, as well as my own, was utilized in this way. On October 18, 1880, I had an impromptu dinner party. We had a very merry time talking over the incidents of the convention, Boston proprieties, and the general situation.

The average for all kinds of labor, a member of the Emperor's Grand Council tells me, is about 35 to 38 cents Mexican, or 15 to 18 cents gold a day. In forming a mental picture of a rural scene anywhere in China or Japan there are three or four things that must always be kept in mind. One is that there are no fences between fields; I haven't seen a wooden or wire farm-fence since I left America.

L'Echo de Paris, June 12, 1919. The New York Herald, March 22, 1919. L'Echo de Paris, June 12, 1919. The New York Herald, March 22, 1919. L'Humanité, May 23, 1919. on July 18, 1919. Cf. Matin, Echo de Paris, Figaro, July 10, 1919. Cf.

It is the clear dictate of Christian love. Another reason is urged in verses 16 to 18. It displays the true character of Christianity, and so reflects honour on the doer.

Being almost spent, I thought I should have sunk down at last, and never got out; but I may say, as in Psalm 94.18, "When my foot slipped, thy mercy, O Lord, held me up." Going along, having indeed my life, but little spirit, Philip, who was in the company, came up and took me by the hand, and said, two weeks more and you shall be mistress again. I asked him, if he spake true?

The older man leaned toward the younger. "Stove fire?" with a gesture of protest against the inadequate oil blaze. Hillas whispered, "Can't afford it. Coal is $9.00 in Haney, $18.00 here." They sat with heads thrust forward, listening in the intolerable silence. Dan lifted the blanket, hearkened a moment, then "pst!" another bit of iron fell into the pail.

The flakes were large, soft, and moist with the south wind, and small, hard, and dry with the north. Glimpses of blue sky were constantly seen to the south, under the gloomy canopy above, but they augured no change. As darkness came on, the temperature fell to 15 degrees, and it snowed very hard; at 6 p.m., it was 11 degrees, but rose afterwards to 18 degrees.

I am indebted for criticism, to President Pendleton who kindly read certain parts of the manuscript, to Professor Katharine Lee Bates, Professor Vida D. Scudder, and Mrs. Marian Pelton Guild; for historical material, to Miss Charlotte Howard Conant's "Address Delivered in Memory of Henry Fowle Durant in Wellesley College Chapel", February 18, 1906, to Mrs.

Lev. xix. 18. In the 34th verse of the same chapter, Moses applies this law to the treatment of Strangers, "The stranger that dwelleth with you shall be unto you as one born among you, and THOU SHALT LOVE HIM AS THYSELF." If it be loving others as ourselves, to make them work for us without pay; to rob them of food and clothing also, would be a stronger illustration still of the law of love!

What their use by the leading "conservative-progressive" statesmen of both parties means is that a partnership of capital and government is at hand. McClure's Magazine, 1911. Governor Woodrow Wilson, Speech of April 13, 1911. The Outlook, Nov. 18, 1911.