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Shock symptoms may thus be symbols of long past racial experiences which when we have learned to interpret them more fully will tell us much of the early history of our phylum." It is the outbreaks of emotion which "mark the incursions of the race into the narrow life of the individual." Loc. cit., pp. 178-179. Loc. cit., p. 179. Loc. cit., p. 183.

The English loss was 22 killed, and 179, including 21 officers, were wounded. To these figures must be added the French loss. There still remained four more forts on the northern side of the river, and it seemed as if these would offer further resistance, as the garrisons uttered threats of defiance to a summons to surrender.

But selection has not tended to make the duck elegant, or "pigeon-breasted"; it has enlarged the abdominal sack instead, besides allowing the addition of an extra rib in various cases. Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication, 144, 175. Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication, i. 179.

It is interesting as showing what real merchandise was worth in those days by a cash standard, aside from its exhibition of tremendous speculative bedlamism: 160 bushels wheat $179,20 320 bushels rye 223,20 Four fat oxen 192,00 Eight fat hogs 96,00 Twelve fat sheep 48,00 Two hogsheads wine 28,00 Four tuns beer 12,80 Two tuns butter 76,80 1000 lbs. cheese 48,00 A bed all complete 40,00 One suit clothes 32,00 A silver drinking cup 24,00 Total exactly $1,000,00

April 9, 1917, three days after this country entered the war, the National Council of the organization formally resolved "To co-operate with the Red Cross through its local chapters in meeting their responsibilities occasioned by the state of war." The members have nobly followed out that resolution. They have sold liberty bonds in the amount of $206,179,150, to 1,349, individual subscribers.

Four of these buildings are mentioned by ancient writers as having existed in republican times, viz. the Basilica Portia, erected in B.C. 184, by Cato the Censor; the Basilica Emilia et Fulvia, erected in B.C. 179 by the censors M. Fulvius Nobilior and M. Æmilius Lepidus, and afterwards enlarged and called the Basilica Paulli; the Basilica Sempronia, erected in B.C. 169 by Tib.

England: first visit, 62-65; Lake Windermere, 70; philosophers, 76; the virtues of the people, 179, 180; a second visit, 192 et seq.; notabilities 195; the lectures, 196; Stonehenge, 215; the aristocracy, 215; matters wrong, 260; Anglo-Saxon race, trade and liberty, 304; lustier life, 335; language, 352; lecturing, a key, 377; smouldering fire, 385. Enthusiasm: need of, 143; weakness, 154.

The total receipts during the next fiscal year, ending June 30, 1880, estimated according to existing laws, will be $264,500,000, and the estimated ordinary expenditures for the same period will be $236,320,412.68, leaving a surplus of $28,179,587.32 for that year.

Cf. n. on Lael. 13. In Plin. Ep. 1, 2, 2 the orator Calvus, a younger contemporary of Cicero, is said to have existed nuper. LEPIDUM: pontifex maximus from 180 B.C., consul in 187 and in 175; censor in 179; he is said to have been chosen princeps senatus by six sets of censors in succession. He died in 152. PAULO: see 29 L. Aemilius with n. MAXIMO: see 10 et seq.

In the year 1844, the value of goods transported on the New York Canals was..... $92,750,874 The whole exports of the country in 1844......... 99,716,179 The imports and exports of Cleveland the same year amounted to the sum of...... $11,195,703 The whole Mediterranean and South American trade, in 1844, amounted to....... 11,202,548